- The next day -
Enid's POV
"TODAYS THE DAY!!" I screech in Yoko's room, excitedly bouncing on her bed as I watch her straighten her hair. I see her pull her glasses down slightly and look at me through the mirror. "I can see someone's excited for their date" Yoko says, almost as excitedly but not showing it like I do. "I knew that Addams girl was into you" I cock my head confused. "What do you mean?" I say curiously. "It was very obvious, Enid. The way she would stare at you, check you out without making it look like she was, hell as far as I am aware, you are the only one who can touch her without losing a finger or worse." Yoko says with a laugh, my face going red. "And... It was very obvious you had a crush on her, deep down, pretty much from the minute she stepped onto the grounds." Yoko smirks at me. I feel my face heating up even more. "That's not true! I thought she was mean when she arrived!" I turn my head. "Bullshit" Yoko snickers. "You can running to my room talking about and I quote: "YOKO I need to tell you about the very cute and mysterious misunderstood girl that is now my roommate!" The same night she moved in. Yes, she frustrated you, but you never thought she was mean or anything." I huff. Just because Yolks is right doesn't mean I have to admit it.
"Anyways E, do you have clothes for tonight?" Yoko asks as she finishes her hair a nd sits next to me, starting to curl mine. "YEAH! I think I forgot to tell you! When Wednesday asked to court me, Mrs. Addams bought me a really pretty dress." I say as I pull out my phone and go into my pictures, pulling up the one of the strapless dress that starts with black and fades into pastel colors as it goes down. I can see Yoko's eyes go wide through her sunglasses as I show her the picture. "Damn, don't show Divina, she'll get mad at me for not buying her that!" I laugh with Yoko, knowing it's a joke. "But seriously E, that looks amazing! It really blends Wednesday's colors with yours. AH! And it matches your new nail colors too!" She smiles, ruffling my hair a little. I smile happily. This is why Yoko is my best friend!
But her expression changes slightly and she takes my hands. "Enid, I don't mean this in a bad way. But I do need to talk to you." She says in her usual overprotective friend tone. "I can see Wednesday likes you, and you her. But..." She says softly, I start to get worried and her head turns slightly. "I am worried about you Enid. I mean, don't get me wrong. I trust you and your judgement. But Wednesday gets pretty possessive over her investigations. Wednesday, Lucas, Tyler, a lot of people lied to you, put you in danger and I can tell you've gotten hurt." I feel tears in my eyes as I look away. "Listen E, I want you to be happy, and Wednesday seems to make you very happy. But please be wary okay? I'll be here to talk if you need too." Her voice is soft and comforting and I grab onto her and hug her, her arms wrapping me in to her arms.
I never thought about that... I was used for her personal gains, I was responsible for ruining the Rave'N, Wednesday lied about the girls night out, Tyler tried to kill me... I sniffle. "She isn't all bad... She treats me better than Ajax did, she stood up for me and helped me stand up to my mom..." I bury my face into Yoko's shoulder. "I know E, but it's food for thought okay? I don't want you getting hurt. I already am wary of the fact you were stabbed on the Addams family property." Yoko wipes my tears and holds my shoulders. "Now. You only have a few hours left before your date. Is there anything you need or want to do before then? Besides getting dressed?" Yoko asks and I shake my head. "I should probably get going. Thanks Yoko!" I say giving her one last hug and running to back to my dorm.
Yoko's POV
"Divina, I may have just screwed up." I say as Divina enters the dorm. I move to allow her to lay next to me, which she does. "What did you do now Yoks?" She says as she snuggles into me. "I told Enid the truth..." I say as I look away from her. "You didn't..." Divina's voice is worried and slightly angry. "I did... I got protective of her and I told her the truth about how I feel. If it ruins anything, Wednesday will have a stake through my heart. I know I should have left it alone, but I can't stand her getting hurt." I turn over to look at Divina, her beautiful eyes staring at me but I can read everything she's thinking in them. I sigh. "I know D, but people have been using her and hurting her. She has dealt with it enough. Her family, the bullying she endures, then Lucas and Tyler and Wednesday and -" I am cut off when Divina kisses me softly. "I know darling. I am with you on that. But you probably should have waited until a day she didn't have a date. You know better than anyone that she overthinks everything." I nod and look up at the ceiling. "You're right." I say kicking myself for being stupid. "I'll go talk to her." Divina kisses my cheek and leaves the dorm.

Darkness at the Heart of My Love || Wenclair
FanfictionThe semester has come to an abrupt end and it is time for a well deserved break. But will the mysteries of Nevermore take a break as well? What about this stalker? And... What about Enid? Can Wednesday finally start to allow herself to feel? Or w...