Chapter 27: Important Finds

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Wednesday's POV

I hear Enid leave the dorm and assume that she is probably going to Yoko's room. I unlock the drawer on my desk and pull out the letter correspondence Thing intercepted from Enid's mother and reread its contents.

Dear Principal Phoenix,

As Enid's mother, I believe I know what is best for my daughter. I have a few requests that need to be fulfilled as soon as possible.

1) Any and all classes Enid has with Wednesday Addams must be changed. She is a distraction to my daughter and a terrible influence.

2) Enid will be rehoused to a different hall and dorm room.

3) Enid will be barred from seeing Wednesday Addams.

Compensation will be provided if needed. If these requests cannot be fulfilled, I will have the pack come and escort Enid to a different school of some kind. Enid will be removed by any means necessary, to ensure she is safely away from Wednesday Addams.

Thank you for you cooperation,

Esther Sinclair

I place the letter on my desk, rubbing my temples. I have a feeling her mother won't stop until I'm out of the picture. At least thats something her and my stalker have in common.


"Thing." I say standing up from my desk and moving to the window, as I hear Thing scurrying up on to my shoulder.

"Can you get anymore information on Enid's mother? If she's in town, I want as much information as I can get. Letters, who she's talking too, anything. Or if you can get me where she's staying, I may need to pay her a visit or gather the information myself."

Thing taps on my shoulder. "Are you sure that's a good idea?"

"Yes. If Enid's in danger, it will have been because of her." I say sternly before Thing taps approvingly on my shoulder.

"I will sneak into Principal Phoenix office while Enid is out. See if they have anything regarding Enid and her mother."

Thing jumps off my shoulder and I hear him leave the dorm. I grab my bag and throw it over my shoulder and leave the dorm shortly after.

I walk around the outside of Nevermore. Thankfully it's starting to get dark and students are heading to dinner. I carefully scale my way up the side of the Nevermore, attempting to reach Weems' old office, which Phoenix has taken over. I have already scoped out her office during the many times I was there last semester. One of the windows has a broken lock.

After a slight struggle I finally make it to the window of the office. I peak over the ledge and I don't see Principal Phoenix, so I push the window open and slip in, closing it behind me. I don't see any traces of anyone being in here recently.

I immediately check the principals desk, looking for anything that may help my investigations. I don't see anything important on the desk but I open every drawer, to which I stop, pulling out an unfinished letter and another letter from Esther. I slip those into my bag but I stop dead in my tracks as I hear a key enter the lock to the door.

I look around quickly before slipping myself up into the chimney above the fireplace. I can hear Principal Phoenix's and Esthers voice.

"Esther. This will be the last time I tell you. Unfortunately, there is nothing we can do about your daughter Enid. Not just due to the fact the semester has already begun, but as far as I am aware, I have received a letter from your family pack. It has claimed that Enid has been officially outcasted. I apologize but Enid is on her own at this point. There is nothing the school can do, except provide housing and food for her during the school year and limited during the breaks."

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