Chapter 7: Love in Music

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Wednesday's POV

What the hell was that! I think to myself as I walk into my room and slam the door shut, taking my knife and throwing it at a picture on the wall. I sit down at my desk, clearly frustrated and angry. Why was I being somewhat friendly to her? Why did I care so much? I touched her hand AND let her hug me! I quickly grab my psychology textbook, a couple books about werewolves, and a notebook and pen. I need to find out what is going on and why. I hear Thing sneaking up onto my desk to see what I'm doing. I open my textbook and start skimming pages, trying to see what is making me nice to her. I keep flipping through the pages for about an hour when I am interrupted by Thing, who clearly thinks he knows everything. "You just love her. As she does you" he taps out, as I very quickly grab him and hold him down, pushing him into the desk with all my strength. "I do not love. I especially do not love her." I have loved, but not in the sense Thing is talking about. I love my family, in a way, or more or less tolerate them. But I did love Nero. But I never romantically loved another person or thing and never will. I will be damned if I become anything like my mother. Thing starts tapping out signaling he gets my point and I let him go. I go back to my textbook and he jumps off my desk and starts to head out the door. Before he makes it I grab him again. "If you say ANYTHING remotely about this I will not hesitate to murder you." He taps again, agreeing to not say anything and I let him go and he runs down the hall and quietly goes into Enid's room. Why would he go into Enid's room at this hour? Unless he is trying to show me something. I sigh and I pull the knife out of the wall and I follow behind, pausing at her door.  Why would he be trying to show me something when she's sleeping? I start to slowly open the door when I hear whimpering and growling coming from Enid.

Something inside me burns and I quietly walk over to the edge of her bed. I think she's having a nightmare? I am quickly thrown from my thoughts. "WEDNESDAY NO!" followed by what sounded like crying. Without thinking I grab her hand and try to wake her up. "Enid. Enid you're having a nightmare" I say not to loud to scare her but loud enough for her to hear it over her heavy breathing and crying.  "Enid. Wake up" She jolts up, sitting up almost instantly. Her breathing is heavy, eyes red, and drips of sweat on her face. 'W-Wednesday" she immediately grabs me and hugs me. I stand there, wanting to pull away but knowing she might need this moment. "Enid, what's wrong?" I say, softly but also with as little emotion as possible. She pulls away, most likely after realizing she was touching me. "S-sorry" She whimpers and wipes her eyes. "I was just having a nightmare... I'm sorry if I woke you." She says, almost sadly. "I wasn't sleeping. But Thing told me to come check on you. And a nightmare, those are my favorite." She laughs a little but is clearly still upset. I start to walk away, it was just a nightmare after all, I was not needed for anything else. "Wednesday..." She says quietly. I stop and look at her, her head down as if she did something wrong. "S-stay... Please?..." Her words were soft, but also were choked out, as if she was about to cry again. I pause, not sure exactly what she means or wants me to do. Before I could ask she answers my question. "P-please stay... I know you hate touching and stuff but... could you at least sit on my bed until I fall back asleep?..." She looks away, I can see that she's starting to cry again. 'Fine. But thats all." I say reluctantly, and sits on the edge of her bed. I hear sniffle and reposition herself to try and sleep again. "Wednesday?" she says again. "What Enid?" I say, trying not to sound too annoyed. She pauses, as if she's debating with herself. "T-thank you" she says quietly. "You're welcome. Now go back to sleep" I say, just wanting her to fall asleep so I can get off this colorful blanket. She sighs contently, and after a little bit I hear her breathing settle. She's finally asleep and I quietly exit her room and head back to mine. As I open the door, Thing is standing on my desk. "Not. One. Word. " I growl at him and I head to my bed and lay down, quickly falling asleep.

The next morning

I wake up to the sound of Enid's laughter and what seems like my fathers. I sit up and notice the sun is barely up. "I'm going to kill them" I mutter out of hatred and tiredness. I try to lay back down and go back to sleep but to no avail. I grumble and get up, throwing on my signature black clothes and making sure my braids are still in place. I walk out of my room and head down the stairs. I follow the sound of laughter and talking, which is not hard seeing how both of the loudest people are in the same room. I walk into the living room to find my father and Enid sitting across from each other. "Why are you both awake so early?" I say coldly, hating being awake this early in the morning. "Good morning Wednesday!" Enid says excitedly. "Good morning my little storm cloud" my father says just as excitedly. I stay standing, my arms folded, glaring at both of them. "When is it ever a good morning?" I say unenthusiastically. "Did you sleep we- frightfully Wens?" I pause, and stare at Enid. I fight off the little smirk I almost show when Enid says that, my father looks very pleased at her words. "Indeed. But don't call me Wens." I say coldly as I turn to leave to head back to my room. I've lost a lot of writing time the last 24 hours, I cannot risk losing anymore. "Breakfast will be at 9, my little Raven" I hear my father say but I don't acknowledge it and head to my room, shutting the door and sitting at my desk and setting my typewriter.

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