Chapter 25: A New Student

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I awake to my phone buzzing. I lift my head up, exhausted. I must've fallen asleep at my desk. I look over at my bed and Enid is still wrapped up in her blanket, drooling on my pillow. I look at her and back to my phone. I know I promised her I would stay here with her, but I haven't attended classes in two days. I have gotten the work from Yoko and Eugene, but I do believe it's time for me to get to class.

I leave Enid a note as I quickly get dressed for class, fixing my hair and putting my books in my backpack. "Thing. Keep an eye on Enid. I have no idea if Tyler, Xavier, or anyone else might try to hurt her when I am not around." My voice is stern but also a hint of worry. I have gotten soft for Enid. But that is interfering with not only my classes, but also my investigation into my stalker. Thing gives me a thumbs up and I put on my boots, and place my knives in their correct spot. Thankfully, Enid doesn't wake up and I am able to sneak out of the dorm and down to class.

As much as I love Enid. I do need to give a little space until this whole Tyler and my stalker issue is figured out. I am tired of both of them bothering Enid and I, and I would prefer to get back to  writing my novel.

I enter the first class of the day. Fencing

Enid's POV

I wake up wrapped in a giant blanket and I have a splitting headache. I know last night was a full moon but I honestly do not remember much about what happened. I sit up and stretch, my body aching and a bandage on my arm. I look over at the other side of the room and notice I am in Wednesday's bed because I am staring at mine. I look around the room but don't see Wens. I see the clothes and the note next to the bed and I quickly put the clothes on. It's her black and white sweater and a pair of her sweatpants. They are just slightly too small for me so I grab a pair of my comfy clothes. I walk back over and sit on her bed, opening the letter.


I have made the decision that I must return to class today. I understand I said I would stay with you today, but I will make it up to you in some way. Thing is with you and is under strict command to stay with you until I return. Do not leave the dorm without Thing or one of your friends. Please.



I smile and put the letter back in the envelope, getting up and placing it with the others Wednesday has written to me.

I do want to go to get tea and find Yoko or maybe I'll actually go to class, even though I don't have to today. I shrug and start to get dressed. Wednesday said I couldn't leave the dorm unless I had Thing or a friend come with me. BUT my friends are in class and I can't find Thing, so I will go alone! Besides, she is probably just being overprotective. I quickly do my make up and hair and head out of the dorm.

I head down the hallway, it's a lot quieter than usual but I still pass students and many stop me to ask questions about the latest gossip or when I am updating my blog next, to which I happily answer. Apparently the principal is allowing students to go into Jerico during day light hours and only by the shuttle. Thank god, I hate being couped up in one spot. Plus now I can get tea at the Weathervane! I start to head toward the front doors and I am stopped suddenly.

"Enid Sinclair, right?" I heard a voice behind me, it was an older boy, one I haven't met before. His scent and demeanor was off putting. I don't trust this person but I am always willing to meet new people. "Yes it is!" I say happily. "I don't believe we've met?" I say cocking my head slightly, confused as to how he knows my name. "We have not, I'm Silas. I just transferred from another school. A lot of people have said that you were the one to talk to about getting to know Nevermore." His voice has a weird tone to it, one I cannot describe easily. It seems to be a mix of sinister and shy, but different than Wednesday's tone of voice.

"That would be me! Allow me to show you around." I say happily as I start walking toward the quad. "As I tell everyone, we have 4 main cliques, Scales, Fangs, Furs, and Stoners. Or Sirens, Vampires, Werewolves - such as myself, and Gorgons.

"Interesting." Silas says curiously, but he does seem to be looking around the students for someone or is just very distracted. I walk across the quad and into the other halls, showing the classrooms, library, cafeteria, and any other important things about Nevermore. He doesn't seem to be interested in the tour though. "Anyways, that's all I've got. I do have a blog that keeps up with all the recent drama and gossip!" He just kind of nods and walks off. My smile fades into a more confused look. Why would he ask for a tour, but not care? I shrug.

"Enid." I practically jump out of my skin when I hear Wednesday say my name behind me. She was not there 5 seconds ago and I did not hear or even smell her get near me. "Who was that?" She says sternly, slightly angry. But before I can answer she has me pushed up against the wall, her hands gripping my shirt collar and my eyes go wide at the sudden movement. "Who was that? And did you even notice the knife he had? And didn't you read my letter telling you not to leave the dorm alone?" Her voice progressively got angrier as she asked the questions. I may have started to tear up a little at the fact Wednesday was almost yelling at me, but I know it's just out of jealousy and/or overprotectiveness.

"I- Uh- I" I stutter but I try to regain my thought and avoid Wednesday's death stare. "He said his name was Silas, he asked for a tour" I swallow hard. "No, I didn't notice a knife... And I did read your letter but I couldn't find Thing and everyone else was at class and I wanted tea then Silas approached me." I say truthfully but rather quickly. She lets go and brushes my jacket off. "Did you say anything about where our dorm is? Are you hurt?" I shake my head no. "He didn't ask about dorms or anything. He just seemed uninterested in the tour but he was acting weird in the quad and near the classrooms. He acted like he was looking for someone." I say as Wednesday starts walking back to the dorm, myself following close behind. "First, I will kill Thing for not doing his one and only task. Secondly, I will have him scope out this new Silas kid. Carrying a knife isn't usual."

"One, if Thing is dead, how will he scope out Silas? Two, you carry knives! But I didn't even see one on him." I shoot back with a slight snicker. She glares at me. "I will rip the head off one of your stuffed creatures then burn it." I look back forward. "Okay okay I'll behave" I say smiling. We head back to our dorm and Wednesday immediately sits at her desk and sets her typewriter. I take that as my sign that she doesn't want to be bothered and I curl up on my bed with my laptop and phone, starting to write a new section in my blog. That's when the window is opened and Thing comes running in, holding something between his fingers.

He runs over to Wednesday's desk but he is immediately slammed down against it and Wednesday is holding a knife to his fingers. I can't help but look over and watch.

"You. Had. One. Job." Wednesday says as she yells at Thing. "Instead, you ran off to do what! Enid could have been killed!" I blush at the fact she cares about me. "If I let you go, you have 30 seconds to tell me where you went." Thing taps as to say he will and I watch as Wednesday lets him go.

"I saw Enid's mother down in Jericho. She was talking to someone and the principal. Then I found this." Thing taps quickly, handing the piece of paper to Wednesday.

I stand up and start to walk over to her. "Wednesday... What did my mother do?..." I say weakly.

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