Enid's POV
"Thank you Mr. And Mrs Addams" I say, not wanting to go back to Nevermore. "It means a lot for you to house me during the break." I say honestly. Not only was I saved from being alone, I now will never be alone! I'll always have my amazing girlfriend. I look over my shoulder to see Wednesday, her arms crossed, leaning against the car before looking back at Mr and Mrs. Addams. "I promise to take care of your daughter as well!" I smile, a small blush on my face. "You are always welcome here Enid dear!" Morticia says. I smile and hug them. They both hug me back before I run to the car. I look back and wave to them as I get in the car and I sit on the opposite side of where I know Wednesday sits. The door to the car closes and I see Wednesday walk up to her parents, they must be talking. I just sit and wait patiently. While I wait, I decide to check my phone. Just a lot of messages from Yoko, finally, mainly just telling me about her trip and time spent with Divina and that she wants to catch up when we get back to Nevermore.
I put my phone away when I hear the car door open, Wednesday stepping in. I smile, immediately blushing as she sits next to me, rather than sitting across from me in her usual seat. I decide not to ask and just enjoy the company and closeness. I watch as she pulls a book from her bag and it looks interesting. But I decide not to annoy her and I pull out my phone, putting it on silent. She has compromises with me, it's only right that I compromise with her.
As we get closer to Nevermore, I feel more and more nervous. My hands are shaking slightly, my hesrt rste is elevated, and I feel a knot in my stomach. Wednesday must sense something is wrong because she takes my hand in hers. Nothing gets past her...
"What's wrong Enid?" She says softly, she squeezes my hand slightly. I look down and rub my thumb across Wednesday's fingers and hand. "I guess... I'm just worried about you... And my mother... And seeing Ajax... and everyone finding out we're dating. Not that I don't want them too, I want to show everyone my perfect girlfriend, but I am worried you'll get hurt because of it..." I hide my face to try and hide my tears from her. "I don't want you to get hurt... I don't want to be the reason I lose you... or get you hurt..." I sniffle as I feel an arm wrap around me. She pulls me into a hug and holds me.
"Enid. I do not care what anyone thinks. I do not care what happens." Her words are serious but somehow slightly comforting. "We will figure this out. Together, Cara Mia." She says softly. I nod and sniffle, worried about everything that could happen.
But I have to put on a happy face as the car enters Nevermore gates. The grounds are filled with students heading to their dorms, meeting with their friends, but there is still an eerie feeling of uncertainty, regarding the fight, the Hyde, and everything else.
The car pulls up to the front and stops. Wednesday and I share a glance before she takes my hand. "Together." She says as she opens the door to the car. She steps out and she helps me out by taking my hand. I can't help but blush.
"Lurch will carry our luggage. However, we should head to our dorm to make sure it is set up properly for the upcoming semester." I nod and she offers her arm. I stare at her before she gives an assuring nod. I take her arm and we start heading to our dorm. "Enid. As much as I despise showing affection in public, I promise, being with you is different" She says reassuringly. She must be able to read minds...
As we walk to our dorm, students are staring, gawking, and whispering, either about Wednesday and the fight, the fact I am holding onto her arm, or both.
"Wednesday." I hear Xavier say behind me. My heart sinks. I forgot about Xavier having a crush on Wednesday. I quickly let go of Wednesday's arm but she takes my hand.
"Yes?" She says coldly. "Well I just wanted to catch up and say Hi." He raises an eyebrow. I can feel him staring at me, as I try to avoid eye contact but also seem confident at the same time. I don't trust him. I never did. If I was asked who the stalker was, I would almost be certain it was him. But I have to try and be civil, for Wednesday's sake. "What... Is all this?" I can sense he starting to put two and two together. "Xavier, this is Enid." Wednesday says in a serious tone. "I am unsure if you have met." He scoffs at her response. "Anyways. I was wondering if you wanted to go on a date? I hear there is a new horror movie showing at the theatre a town over." His words causes my blood to boil. I want to rip him to shreds for even asking, but I have to remind myself he doesn't know yet.
Wednesday squeezes my hand softly, as if to let me know not to kill him. I swear she can read minds...
"I... appreciate your offer. However, I am already dating someone." I can tell she is uncomfortable and my face goes a little red, knowing I am the one she's dating makes my heart flutter. "Oh. Well. Good for you I guess." He says annoyed. "Who is the lucky person." He says even more annoyed. My heart sinks. What if he tries to hurt Wednesday? Or me? What if being with her puts her in danger.
"Although it does not matter, Enid is the lucky person." She says it so confidently and unwavered. She really isn't embarrassed to be with me or care what people think. Honestly, I wish I could not care about what people think like she does. "Oh." I feel Xavier staring at me, I sense his anger. "Well good for you." He says with a half smile before walking away. I finally feel like I can finally catch my breath.
"Sorry" Wednesday says quietly as we continue to our dorm. Why was she sorry?
We finally get to our dorm and she opens the door. Lurch beat us to it and all of our belongings have been placed in their prospective spots. The dorm looks exactly the same as before. All the memories of last semester flooding back. Meeting Wednesday for the first time, beating Bianca at her own game, our late night talks on the balcony. I feel a cold hand touch my face.
"A little jealous aren't we darling?" Wednesday says playfully. "I- What no- I just" I stutter, not wanting to admit I wanted to tear Xavier into bits and feed them to a lion. A very small smirk crosses her face as she rolls her eyes.
"I have some things I need to get done before school starts tomorrow. I will be back later, Cara Mia." Wednesday says before grabbing a small bag and heading out the door. "I'll be back by 11." She says as she exits the dorm.
Before I can even get a thought out she steps back inside. "I promise I am not doing anything stupid. I am just going to the library. I will use this cursed box to message you if I need your help." She says reassuringly before exiting.
I let out a sigh of relief. She is keeping her promises! I smile and text Yoko asking to come see her. We have a lot to discuss!
Wednesday's POV
I did promise Enid, that if I was doing anything stupid, she would get a say. But seeing as I am only going to the library, I should be okay.
As I walk down the hall, more students are whispering and pointing at me. Which I assume is either the fact I am courting Enid, or the fact I saved the school. Both reasons are unreasonable to be considered gossip.
"Wednesday, wait!" It's Xavier. Again. "What do you want? I am currently busy." I say coldly, not wanting anything to do with him at the moment.
"You didn't talk to me at all during the break? Then all of the sudden you are dating Enid? What about me?" He says in what I can only fathom as anger and annoyance, although I am unsure. "I did not see any reason to talk to you. And my relationship with Enid is Enid's and I's business. And we never had anything between us." I told Tyler the same thing and now he believes there was something between us? "Now, leave me alone before I bury you alive." I say even more coldly. He scoffs at my answer as he did earlier. "This conversation is going nowhere. I have things to do." I say as I walk away. I hear him huff and walk off as I head to the library.
There's a lot of new students this semester. I start keeping mental notes as I pass them in the hallway. Not caring enough to talk to them, getting similar looks as I did when I first stepped foot onto Nevermore grounds. I finally make it to the library, avoiding anyone else who could possibly want to talk to me. I start looking through the small collection of books when I notice Thing followed me. "Thing. You are supposed to be with Enid. She needs more protection than myself." I say annoyed. Before he can sign anything, I find the book I was looking for. The complete collection of scientific works on werewolves. If I am going to be dating Enid as well as helping her during her transitions, I need to refresh my memory on werewolf culture, habits, etc.
I have always had an obsession with werewolves since I was a child. They always fascinated me, especially how one second they can be the friendliest people, and suddenly turn into murderous creatures. Although I know a lot, helping Enid and being there for her, requires me to refresh my knowledge as well as find tips.
I don't want Enid to feel like she is alone and I want to be able to help her. Especially since the next full moon is just around the corner.

Darkness at the Heart of My Love || Wenclair
FanfictionThe semester has come to an abrupt end and it is time for a well deserved break. But will the mysteries of Nevermore take a break as well? What about this stalker? And... What about Enid? Can Wednesday finally start to allow herself to feel? Or w...