Chapter 11

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❃❁No one's P.o.v❁❃

  The blonde couldn't tell if her pulse stopped, or if it was racing. The question made her internally jump, and she unwillingly opened her eyes for a brief moment. But unfortunately for her, when she closed them again, it was already too late. The other girl knew, for sure, that she wasn't sleeping.

  "I'm leaving. And you also better leave before the end of the party."

  "No! Wait, Maki, wait!" Kaede gripped Maki's wrist.

  "We need to talk, please stay" Even though her voice sounded like she was confident and decided, she couldn't look to the one she was talking to. She didn't even knew what was there to be said. She just... wanted the other girl's presence for a bit longer, even if it made her stomach twirl in anxiety.

  "What is there to be talked about?"

  And then she looked at Kaede, stared straight to her eyes. And like it's magnetic, her eyes stared back. Looking at her face, there was no signs of anger. Just tiredness. And even though she was waiting for the blonde's response, her eyes told that the "question" was not actually a question, more likely an affirmation.

  The last music ended without any of the girls realizing, and the next one started playing.

  "As expected"

  Maki skillfully freed herself from the other girl's grip, and the made her way back to the party, closing the door before leaving. As much as Kaede wanted her to stay, she knew she had no reason to stop her from leaving.

  So she just layed her hed back to the pillow, quite violently. Staring at te ceiling, she recognized the song quite fast. Lover's Rock. She loved this song. So did Maki.

  "Who would even play a song like this in a freshmen party?" She mumbled. That song playing could only mean one thing.

  "Is couple's dancing hour?" And then she wanted to get off bed right away. She wanted to dance with her again. She wanted to kiss her again. And go even further than that.

  She wanted her to be hers again. But she knew she couldn't, It would simply not be fair. Because the blonde wasn't Maki's, she never was, to start with.

  So she just layed on her side, wondering about things. Things that happened and never will happen again.


  And in the other side, Maki was at the bar again. She really was not a fan of alchohol. But at some circumstances, that didn't mean nothing.

  "One caipivodka, please."

  The girl really was tired. If she could not distract herself enough by herself, she would need someone to help her with that. But it's not the kind of stuff she can do sober, on her right mind, so she needs to deal with her soberness first.

Author's notes:

  Heyyyyyy guyyysss sorry for not updating for like, 2-3 years but yknoww😍😍
ok now being fr a LOT of things happened. But I'm back at updating, does that mean that thins are better now..? lmao no things went so bad, but so bad that honestly I can't even remember why I was so su1c1d4l back then. the only good thing that happened is that I'm not su1c1d4l and not bul1m1c anymore.
  I won't be updating very frequently but I'm thinking of rewriting and maybe posting also in ao3. back then something happened that I had to uninstall wattpad and then I started using ai3 for fanfiction and because of that my taste and hability to write fanfic evolved I think?
  Also I just realized that yet again I forgot to describe the outfits but next chaper I will

Also very important!!
  I'm not the same as I was before, since I'm older and life took a really diferent turn as it was the content of this fic will change a little. The plot won't change a lot, I will just fix some plot holes, but I will add some things and when I rewrite you guys need to read the CW. The tagging mechanism in ao3 is different than here so I don't know how to write the cw without spoilers but I will try
  Like I really mean it it had an unexpected turn now I'm a goth teenage dirtbag alcoholic who has a debilitating fear of compromising severe mommy issues who's willing to do a lot of stuff bad to mental health to get money and to take my mind off things, and only is surviving high school because i cheat on half of my tests. and yeah it's gonna show a bit of me in some characters.

  Anyways sorry for my sudden disappearance, I'm alive, I'm no longer in the danganronpa fandom but I think I will just finish this fic before leaving fr.
  Also it might be a little OOC and I'm sorry for that

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22, 2023 ⏰

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