Chapter 6 - Time Changes

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"It's Joahne's Ship!"

"Come on! Let's Go!"

Stoic woke up to shouts of Joahne's arrival outside his window and immediately got up to head to the docks. People were quickly scurrying through the streets to reach the dock as fast as possible, but Stoic was in no hurry. He patiently waited for most of the vikings to pass before strolling down the bare roads to join them. Along his trek, he passed the town square and the glint of the early morning sun peaked through the now aging statue of a small boy tackling a gronkle with his bare hands. A tribute to Berk's dearly departed heir. It's been six years since Stoic last saw Hiccup. He missed him terribly, missed his infections laugh (as rare as a real laugh was), his lopsided grin, which was always coupled with that witty sarcasm, the determined look he always had in his eye, even those inventions he was always working on. He missed the boy so much sometimes it hurt, but he tried his best to conceal that pain for his tribe. They needed a strong protector, not a heartbroken old man. So, like always, he put his best face on when he reached the docks. Nearly everyone was already there, but most of them just crowded around the dock's end, only a few actually boarded the boat looking for things that might be worth a trade. Stoic spotted the teens already up there, and he noticed Snotlout in specific examining some of the weaponry and smiled. Since Hiccup's death, Stoic had declared Snotlout his heir by right of succession, and even though it was clear the boy didn't want it, he still tried his best. Their weapons stock had grown rather slim as of late since they were a...blacksmith short. He had taught the boy well. It was clear that the passing of the young Haddock had affected Snotlout a great deal. It affected all of the teens really, but in their own way, especially Astrid. Stoic had been surprised by that. He always thought Astrid hated the Hiccup when they were younger, but she now had a quick temper to anyone who ever badmouthed him even a little and always grew abnormally emotional when Hiccup's name was mentioned. Being that the dock was so crowded, Stoic had to push his way through then slipped past Joahne's set up on the dock and boarded the ship. It didn't used to be this crowded on Joahne's visits, but ever since the taletelling merchant started bringing news of someone called the 'Dragon Master', everyone's been coming to hear his latest stories in droves. Today was no different.

"What news do you bring of the Dragon Master today, Joahne?"

Someone called.

"Well, according to my sources in the tribes of Placow, last week the Dragon Master saved an entire village from the angry bowls of a volcano through the use of his dragons."

The crowd 'oo'ed and 'aw'ed while Stoic only rolled his eyes.

"Did you see it happen?"

Roughnut chimed from the haul of the boat. Joahne shook his head.

"Unfortunately, I did not have the pleasure of witnessing such a colossal event, for I was far to the east restocking some of my ware."

"Have you ever seen the Dragon Master in person?"

A girl shouted. Stoic rolled his eyes again and had to keep himself from laughing. The fact that anyone would believe Joahne's stories was foolish to him. It was obvious that the man was lying. No one could control a dragon much less more than one.

"I did see the Dragon Master but only once before. He was wearing a mask, the same mask that he always wears, so I didn't get a very good look at his face. But from what I could see, he was very well built for a smaller stature. But I couldn't see his eye or hair color."

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