Chapter 7 - Paths Cross (Pt. 1)

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It only took a couple hours of flying to reach the island that the dragon riders called home. Dragon's Edge was what they decided to name it, and in their eyes, there wasn't a name more fitting. There were hundreds of dragons on the island all ranging from a Monstrous Nightmare to a Hufflegrump, Deadly Nadder to Deathsong. But the most amazing part about it was that they were all living in harmony with one another, and it was all Hiccup's doing. Although he would always argue that this marvel was to all of them, Heather knew that wasn't true. Out of the whole team, she had known Hiccup the longest, as he was the one that reunites her with her brother, Dagur, nearly three years ago. That was why she knew his real name, because she knew him before he took the name Sun. When she decided to join Hiccup on his crusade, the island was already as self-sufficient as it was now. On Dragon's Edge, everyone had a home and a place. Each dragon was specifically trained to fulfill a task to keep the island going. There were dragons that fished, cut firewood, maintained the forge, stood guard over the island, and even made gronkle iron; all without almost any instruction or direction. And it was all because of Hiccup. The dragons loved him, and he did so much for them too. There were comfortable stables, pastures for yaks and sheep (that they also used to help villages that were ransacked by Drago's army), a beautiful smithy and forge that Hiccup practically lived in, and a large hut near the center of the island that they liked to call the 'Clubhouse' which was where they did all their meals and meetings. Every team member also had their own personalized hut for both them and their dragon to have some privacy, something that Heather was very grateful for. After they landed and got everything put away, the riders went to the Clubhouse to start cooking lunch, but where pleasantly surprised to find it already made, with a smiling Atali waiting for them. Atali was the leader of the Wingmaiden tribe, one of their closer allies in the fight against Drago. Atali, leader of the Windmaidens tribe, was currently visiting to look over the new bunch of Razorwhips that had just hatched. She was a wonderful ally to the Dragon Riders and appreciated what they were trying to do. They didn't always fight alongside them because the dragons they flew with were babies, but they tried to help where they could. There were a few other allied leaders that would visit often, which was why Hiccup had a few extra huts made for them to stay in whenever they wished.

"Thank you, Atali. Everything was delicious."

Hiccup offered with a genuine smile. Everyone else nodded or mumbled in agreement.

"It was my pleasure, Sun. It was the least I could do before heading back to my island. You are all doing such a wonderful job out there."

She said with a smile. Heather noticed the slight dip of Hiccup's smile as she said that. Sometimes she ever wondered if he would one day believe those words. In the time that Heather has known Hiccup, he never thought he was doing enough. His first reaction was always to see what he did wrong before anything else, and yet he was still so quick to praise anything someone else did. She could never understand that.

"We look forward to your next visit, Chief Atali."

Eret said with a slight bow. 

"Would you like any help getting the little ones back to your people?"

A slight blush made its way to Atali's cheeks. The relationship between Eret and Atali was another thing that seriously confused Heather. They both obviously liked each other, so why were they still so...awkward? 

"Y-yes, Eret, that would be great."

She said meekly. Hiccup and Heather both shared a look. This was too cute, but short lived as they both left soon after to collect the Razorwhip hatchlings. All three riders burst into laughter as soon as the couple had gone.

"I don't think I've ever seen Atali so red."

Ivar giggled. 

"I know, but Eret wasn't much better, and what was he bowing for. I think that was a little to much."

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