Chapter 13 - Hiccup is Different

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"People of Berk, my son has returned!!!"

Everyone began shouting questions, a few asking if Stoic had truly lost it, but then he gestured to a waiting Hiccup to come join him on the platform. It only took a few minutes for everyone else to recognize him as the others did, but when that happened the entire square erupted with cries and shouts of celebration, making Astrid's ears ring, or maybe it was the heart beating so hard in her chest that made her feel that way. It didn't take long for everyone to lift Hiccup up over their heads and carry him to the Great Hall where Spitelout announced that they should break out the mead to celebrate. As the night progressed, Astrid couldn't help but notice how uneasy Hiccup looked, even when everyone suddenly came in to lift him up. He seemed on edge and anxious about something. In a situation like this Astrid expected to see more relief or joy from someone who had been gone so long, but now she was left wondering why he felt that way. Sure, it had been eight years, but they were still his family. He had no reason to be nervous around them. The feasting and drinking continued, and Astrid kept an eye on Hiccup for most of the night. He still didn't eat very much, and he didn't partake in the drinking either. It was weird watching him. He was reserved...and even though he did a very good job hiding it, she could tell he was still nervous as the night went on...he wouldn't interact with anyone either unless they approached him first. Not that anyone else was much better. A little eavesdropping would show that everyone had questions about the returning heir.

"Is it really him?"

"Why does he look so different? How did he do it?"

"How is he still alive?"

"Why did he leave?"

"Why did he come back?"

"What has he been doing?"

"How has he been living?"

Astrid had to admit she had been asking herself the same questions, but no matter how many questions were thought or heard no one really had the guts to talk to the source for their answers so they were left with nothing but speculation.

"You know, if you don't stop staring, he might get the wrong idea."

Astrid's cheeks turned red as her eyes snapped away from Hiccup to look at Ruffnut and her twin brother. The whole gang was sitting at the same table for most of the night, and even though the others had been enjoying some conversation amongst themselves for most of that time, Astrid shamefully realized that she had been too distracted to know what they were talking about.

"I'm sorry, Ruffnut. You're right. What were we talking about, again?"

Ruffnut gave her a mischievous grin.

"That's ok, Astrid. But we were actually talking about Hiccup, and where he might have been for these last eight years."

Fishlegs offered politely.

"Yeah!! I mean we looked everywhere for the little squirt when he first disappeared, and we couldn't find him anywhere, not even at Helheim's Gate. Someone doesn't just up and disappear like that without some kind of story, right?!"

Snotlout blurted. Everyone stared at him for a second. To be honest, it was a good question. When Hiccup disappeared, Astrid and Stoic in specific searched every possible island, sea stack, dragon nest, and village. They even invaded Outcast Island to look for him, but found nothing, not even a trace for their efforts. That was why they had assumed the worst that a dragon had...

But now he's back but acting...strange. What was he doing out there for so long? That was the question on everyone's mind, even Stoic's. But no one knew how to ask.

"Well, I don't know what happened to the used-to-be-fishbone, but whatever it was sure did him a few favors in the looks department because he is smoking now!"

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