Chapter 8 - Paths Cross (Pt. 2)

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The rest of the gathering was pretty boring for Astrid and the gang. The next morning, Dagur called the gathering back to order and explained that Sun was called back to the fight against Drago. Most people seemed to understand, and they started to discuss different ways that each tribe could contribute. Astrid noticed that Stoic seemed all too eager to help, and that was strange to her. It wasn't like they even knew who this guy was right. But anyway, after the meeting was over that afternoon, everyone started packing up to head back home. Astrid wasn't looking forward to spending another long boat ride with the idiot twins and Snotface, but she didn't realize how much until they were a couple hours in. Stoic and Gobber seemed to have a little less patience for them this time around as well, so it was no surprise that they agreed to stop at a small island port for the night. It seemed like a normal traders' port when they first landed, but the longer they stayed, the more and more unsettled Astrid got. Stoic, Gobber, and Fishlegs seemed to sense the same thing she did. Even Snotlout started to act a little more precautionary. But the twins were totally oblivious as always. They found a small inn to stay at and got settled in before going back down for a drink and a bite to eat. While they were down there, the twins mentioned wanting to go explore the markets, saying this place kind of reminded them of an 'old pirate's port they got Macey at a few years ago'. Stoic and Gobber specifically told them to stay in the inn that night, but like always, the twins didn't listen. Astrid woke up to find them gone.

"Fishlegs, Snotlout, get up, you muttonheads. We have to go hunt down the idiot twins before they get into trouble."

Astrid whisper yelled, as she kicked the two awake. They both groaned but followed. They started in the market first, if that was what you called a measly gathering of five or six tents. There weren't many options, despite having more than one tent. They all only seemed to be selling armor or weapons. The people didn't seem too friendly at all, and it became painstakingly clear that they were the outsiders that weren't welcome there. It took a little while to find the twins - mostly due to those unsettling observations from earlier, but they eventually found the two muttonheads ogling over some weapons at a stall that was mostly tucked away It was almost as if they were hiding. Astrid was going to kill those two idiots. As they approached the stall, Astrid noticed Tuffnut admiring a mace. It appeared he wanted to 'test' it out, however, and was going to use it on his oblivious sister but instead managed to hit a large man that was standing behind him on the head. The man was large and covered in dragon scale armor with the addition of a thick helmet on his head that Tuff managed to put a fairly large dent in.

"Aaaa, haha, sorry, ha...I didn't see you there."

Tuff chuckled, nervously backing away.

"That helmet cost me a whole month's work!"

The large man growled at the twins. He attempted to grab them, but fortunately, the twins were fast enough to get away and ran off. Unfortunately, Tuff had neglected to drop the mace, which the stall keeper noticed.


He shouted. Astrid rolled her eyes as more and more armored men filtered out of the woodwork to chase after the Nuts.

"Come on. We've gotta help them."

Astrid grumbled, taking off after them. It wasn't far before the twins had run past the village and found themselves in the sparse forest that covered the island. That was where the others caught up with them.

"You idiots!"

Astrid growled between panting.

"You couldn't...have just...done as you were...told."

Snotlout added. There was more yelling off in the distance, and it was getting closer.

"This way, we'll lose them in the rocks where they can't see out footprints."

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