18 ¦ Drop that boy

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TimeSkip; Jake POV:

I played with the blue glasses on my helmet and kept looking at Heeseung, who had no idea what was going to happen later. I didn't want Estela to be here because I knew she would be too compassionate and come to his rescue.

It was definite that Aleyshia would drop him later. Sunoo had already been here briefly and secretly boyfriend and girlfriend had greeted each other behind a garage.

 It had upset me deeply today that Heeseung wanted to take advantage of Estela's feelings, and it was pretty hard for me not to pull a fast one on him, because you don't do that kind of thing. Especially not with a person like Estela, who didn't deserve it at all.

"Tell me. How long are you going to keep trying to get into my best friend's pants? In case you don't know. She's in love with me." 

I rolled my eyes and put my helmet on the motorcycle seat. Since I really didn't have the nerve for this jerk, I pulled out a cigarette and lit it.

"Of course I do. You've been proudly telling it around." Playfully friendly, I smiled back at him before visibly rolling my eyes again and then taking in the smoke from my cigarette and slowly letting it drift away from me. 

"Quite bold." Heeseung stood in front of me as I uttered these words and my field of vision was somewhat obstructed by my, unmade, hair. I usually hid the fact that I had curls, but here I usually just wore a helmet anyway. 

"Claiming to be the best friend and then taking advantage of her feelings. Sad... I can already guess. When Aleyshia drops your ass, you'll take out your frustration nicely on Estela. Play like you love her and then drop her just like your dolly did to you." 

Why was I so sure? Plainly. Heeseung was a weak guy. He won't be able to handle rejected feelings. He will hurt others to cover his own grief. 

Estela had become a very good friend to me and I didn't want him to do that to her. At the moment, I couldn't assume that he would actually do it, but still, I didn't put it past him. So many guys did this.

"Think what you think, but as you can see, things are going pretty well with me and Aleyshia. So I won't get in your way. Keep trying with Estela, but she's not going to spread her legs for you." 

Of course, it bothered me that he kept saying that I only saw Estela like that. I hadn't even had the thought of touching Estela like that, and it wasn't true. I just saw her as a really good friend. You could laugh with her. She was very honest and was not afraid of anything. 

It surprised me enormously that she had self-doubts, because she didn't need to have them. Everyone had them, but with her I couldn't understand it. She might not have known it, but in the boys' dressing rooms she was usually a big topic. But no one dared to approach her. 

Why? Simple. Stel was smart. She was direct and not at all easy to get along with. Most guys my age, not all of course, I won't claim here that all guys were like that, want a girl who rarely reveals her own opinion. 

One who was weak, always needed the guy's help and most of all they want the girl to spread her legs. So... If all these factors were applied to Estela, you could already guess what would happen. Something told me that she would beat your own opinion around the ears. And on top of that, she would never admit when she needed help. I had already seen that with the coffee machine. 

I had been so caught up in my thoughts that I didn't notice that Heeseung was still looking at me. Oh yes. The straw head was expecting an answer. "Well thank you, for your agreement. I'll tell you how it was with her then." 

With that extremely serious answer, I stubbed out the cigarette on the ground and headed for my bike. With my left leg on the saddle of my bike and the other bent on the fence on which I was sitting, I waited for the spectacle. 

Of course I wanted to go home to see if Estela had blown up the restaurant yet, but I really couldn't miss this one. Watching Hee-Bambi get dropped. I would even pay a price for that. 

I didn't like the Bambi before, but ever since I knew the little half-Spanish girl and he treated her like that, any sympathy I still had for him had taken an elegant leap off the bridge. Head first...

My eyes remained glued to Aleyshia, who was breathing quite uncontrollably, which told me I was right. The victim was about to be dropped. 

I was really fighting my demons as I stopped myself from pulling out my cell phone to film all of this. Not wanting to show that I was listening, I turned the other way and took out my phone after all to read some messages.

"Heeseung? Can we talk?" "Hey. Yeah sure, babe. You okay?" I could have punched myself, because I started to grin unconsciously. I was such a bad person. "It's about us." 

I saw that Estela had texted me and asked why I wasn't at the restaurant yet. I usually showed up around this time, then took her home. I wrote back that she might have to wait a little longer. 

"I... This all happened a little too fast for me, Heeseung." Oh wow. This girl knew how to give out lies. "My ex-boyfriend. I'm not over him yet, and I think I just need more time to myself."

I squinted over briefly to look at Hee-Bambi's face. The only reason I actually stuck around was because I knew what Heeseung would feel afterwards. Frustration. Hate. I would like to give him something then. 

"You... I thought you didn't have a boyfriend before me." I almost toppled off the fence as I quickly put my hand over my mouth. Yes, you could call my behavior childish, but somehow I had a feeling that if others knew about this situation, they would laugh too. 

What was Heeseung experiencing here? I could even define it. Karma... 

"I'm so sorry." Aleyshia stroked his cheek and looked at him with wide, innocent eyes. "But it's best we don't see each other anymore..." Bambi swallowed dejectedly and I nearly choked on my own air. Shit, this was awesome. I was going to hell... I definitely knew that now. 

"I'm sorry." With those words, the little witch turned away from the bambi and then ran off, probably having finally realized that running was the only option with that jerk. 

Loud sighs rang out and I then turned ignorantly to Heeseung, who was holding his forehead. "Hurts, doesn't it?" I jumped off the fence and let my phone slide into my pants pocket as I brushed my hair back. "At least now you know how your so called best friend feels." 

With a hateful glare, Bambi stared at me and clenched his fists. Here we had it already. The frustration. The hate. I really should become a fortune teller. 

I was aware that I was just rubbing salt into his open wound, but I still wasn't done. With a slightly lowered gaze, I walked up to him and stopped right in front of him. I straightened up and made sure he understood every word as well. 

"Try Estela and next time I will extinguish my cigarette not on the ground but in your face."


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