30 ¦ Do you have feelings for him?

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I doubled over laughing and holding my stomach when Jake stopped in his narrative and looked at me discreetly disturbed. "You mean to tell me that Heeseung is on his way to the hospital right now because he's going to visit my grandmother?" 

My fit of laughter stopped as my friend's eyes looked at me seriously. "Seriously now?" Almost imperceptibly, he nodded and my spotlight over the gray-haired man disappeared and turned to enormous aggression. 

"That motherfucker!" I pushed the black-haired man past me and headed for the tramway stop. "Where are you going?" "I'm going to check him in," I grumbled, not thinking to turn to the Spaniard as I walked away with firm steps. 

"He's already in the hospital, after all. They'll be able to revive him all right." Jake could no longer be heard behind me and I began to jog slightly as my tramway was about to arrive. 

"Hey, Stel." I felt a grip around my wrist and, without struggling, let myself turn around. "I'll drive you, come on." Jake didn't wait for my response and let go of me again as he pulled on his black jacket.

"You don't have to come." "I know, and actually I don't want to, but I don't want you to get in trouble." He opened the car door for me and let me in as he smirked meaningfully at me and defiantly, with murder on his mind, I plopped down in the passenger seat.

The pretty boy then buckled his seatbelt at the same time as me and started the engine. "What does the idiot want there anyway? He didn't give a shit about Abuela being in the hospital until today." 

In the corner of my eye, I saw Jake shrug his shoulders and brush his curls back. "Then we'll find out right now." I cracked my neck and rubbed my hands together. I was still going to visit Nonna anyway and put in the money I'd saved up so far. 

Some of this was hitting the spot pretty well. With a little too much gusto, I pushed open the front door and didn't even wait for the Spaniard, who was only following me because he didn't want me to make a killing. 

With, by my standards, very big steps I trudged to the reception and caught sight of the lady, who by now knew me really well, because I was here often. "Hello, Miss Roriuez. Your grandma already has a visitor, but feel free to join them." 

I smiled kindly and rubbed my temples so I wouldn't have a seizure right away. "Okay, thanks. And here's the money saved so far. Approximately how much is still missing?" I slid an envelope towards her and watched as she began to count. 

Yes, it wasn't usual to pay cash like that and especially not directly at the hospital, but let's put it this way; My situation was special and I couldn't even explain it myself, so I wouldn't go into it now. The all white dressed woman started to grin and noted the amount.

"Looks like your grandmother will finally be able to have her surgery in the next few days. Here, you brought $75 too much." Jake stood a little farther back, watching the action. "I'm sorry, what? I don't remember bringing any money lately." 

"Oh no, no. That young gentleman who's with your grandma right now, he's given a piece of it, too." I stiffened. My hands balled into fists and inside I was threatening to explode. "Oh, that's nice. I'll go thank him right now." 

Playing hypocritical, I turned away from the reception and stomped past the black-haired man, who was anxiously following me. Was Heeseung actually trying to screw me over completely? I specifically told him to stay away from me and now he's pinning another money debt on me? 

I was breathing erratically and almost chasing down the hallway. "Hey, hey, hey." The Spaniard's arms wrapped around my body from behind, slowing me down. "Let go." I yanked on his arms. 

"Calm down first," he ordered me as he turned me to face him and brushed a loose strand behind my ear. "Otherwise everyone will think I have a sick girlfriend and then they'll tie you to a bed or something." He looked around frightened and flashed me a small smile on my quivering lips. 

"You can untie me then, but I have to throw Heeseung out the window. Now." Pushing Jake's arms off my waist, I continued my murder path a little more calmly. 

"What did the woman say, by the way?" Jake appeared beside me and squinted down at me obliquely. "That a young gentleman paid the last of my debt." I pushed open the door of the hospital room and spotted, Heeseung sitting next to my Abuela's bed laughing with her.

"Oh hey, Estela." My grandmother began to grin delightedly and then looked behind me for a moment. This showed me that Jake had followed me into the room. "Hey Stel." Heeseung's voice rang out and I wanted to rush across the room and yank him to the floor. 

"Heeseung. Glad you're here." I caught sight of a bouquet of flowers in Heeseung's hands and gulped quietly. "You brought flowers for Abuela. How sweet. Come, let's get a nice vase together." I gestured with my hand for the gray-haired man to follow me with the flowers and walked past Jake, who also followed me outside. 

"You can't leave me alone with your grandma right now," he whisper-shouted, overwhelmed, holding me by my upper arm. "Sure I can. You left me alone with your mom the other day too. Teach Abuela Spanish or something." 

I pushed the exasperated Spaniard away from me and grabbed Heeseung by the forearm to go with him to get a vase. If he was lucky, I wouldn't hit him in the head with it right away. 

"Are you angry, Stel?" "No, no. I don't have any reason to be," I gave coldly as we looked for a nurse. "You didn't do anything..." I caught sight of a rag and picked it up as we waited outside a staff room. 

"All you did was break my heart, beat me up, and now you're meddling in my private affairs. You didn't do anything." I turned in the washcloth and shredded the real rag against his thighs.

 "Why are you doing this?" I turned the washcloth in again. "You think I'm going to throw my arms around your neck in gratitude right now?" I snatched the flowers out of his hand and wanted to smash them in his face, but it wasn't the flowers' fault that some idiot had bought them. 

"I don't think you got it the first time, but I don't want to see you again. At least not anytime soon and damn it don't make it harder for me by throwing your wallet out the window now and I still owe you money." 

I lowered my arms, which I had raised in mock anger, and exhaled in exhaustion. "But still, I have to say thank you now.... It doesn't mean I've forgiven you, but thank you. At least now Abuela is finally getting that part implanted." 

"Is there something going on between you two?" I stopped in my thoughts and looked at Heeseung perplexed. "Huh?" "Yeah, between you and Sim. What's going on between you guys?" "Wha-" 

"Do you have feelings for him?"

A/N: Yeah Stel, do you have feelings for him?

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