40 ¦ I love you (Epilouge)

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TimeSkip, A few Days later:

Abuela literally chased me around her hospital room. "He had an accident and you didn't tell me?"

She was allowed to leave by now and was taking advantage of it. She had taken off her slippers and was running after me.

It was already very late. Her surgery had been almost a week, 6 days ago, and as you could see. My grandmother was doing great. So dazzling that she could chase me around with a slipper in her hand.

"It just happened before your surgery. I didn't want to upset you and worry you." "You're lucky I'm out of breath by now, Madame."

Exhausted, she sat back on her bed and rubbed her forehead. "He's okay again, though, right?" I nodded and glanced briefly at the clock hanging on the wall to my left.

Today had been a long day. I had school until 4:00pm because I had detention and then I went to the racetrack with Jay and Melissa because one, it was nice weather and two, I wanted to watch Jay break the course record.

Yes, he had done it and I was beyond proud of the Korean. 27.44 was the new record and I was sure not to rub it in dear Jake's face. Because his record was now no longer a record.

His ego was crashing anyway because he hadn't been allowed to ride for a week. This kid loved motocross more than I thought he would. If I told him about the record, he would probably get on the bike with his hospital clothes on. I smirked as I pictured that happening.

I remembered why I had looked at the clock and looked at it again to really read the time this time. Abuela was back in her bed, silently tucking herself in.

11:53pm... It was getting pretty late and I wasn't really supposed to be here either. But in the last few days I figured out that if I hid in the bathroom at 10pm, the nurses wouldn't notice I was still here and wouldn't check afterwards.

Abuela was already quietly dozing off and I held her hand to let her know I was leaving. "Good night, Abuelita." I kissed her forehead and inherited a murmur from her. "Actually, that should be the other way around," she grumbled, but then turned around, yawning.

Quietly, I closed the door behind me as I stood in the silent hallway. Yeah, it wasn't really great in the hospital at night, but tomorrow was Saturday, which for me meant I would be sleeping here.

I crept down the hall and then rushed up the stairs, not wanting to call attention with the elevator.

I happily entered my Spaniard's room quietly and saw one of the bedside lamps was still on, but Jake was no longer awake. Not wanting to wake him, I tiptoed over to his bed.

He was no longer hooked up to any wires. The only thing still here was the breathing mask, in case he did have a hard time breathing.

Quietly, I slipped out of my Nikes and took off my hoodie. I laid this over the back of one of the chairs that were at the centered table.

Jake didn't know I was coming today, which explained why he was already asleep. I had never dared to crash here until today because I was afraid I would be kicked out, but what could they do?

I wasn't doing anything illegal. I slept with a very important person to me, whom I liked very very much.

Breathing shallowly, the Spaniard turned in my direction and continued to sleep. For a short moment I stood very still, because I really shouldn't wake him up. He needed all the sleep he could get. I wanted him to get out of here as soon as possible.

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