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A day has gone by.
Or maybe thousand?
I don't know
Maybe a million?

I am the the same.
So is the sky,
Or maybe not?
Today it rained ,
Yesterday it did not.
Or maybe I'm just stuck in my spot?

Monotone is my friend
Maybe a foe?
It comforts me,
Encourages me to go slow.

But life is like a bullet,
It flashes and ends.
Mine seems too long,
The shivers it sends!

Stuck in a cycle,
Thats what I am.
It starts at 6 in the morning,
Ends at 6 A.M.

One day it's black
Some days it's white
Gray's are rare
But I relish the pain they provide.
Blues are invisible,
They are the lenses of my eyes,
I see through them,
Biased is my sight.
It finds everything,
Beautifully ordinary,
Are memories not assuring?
Or am I awfully stationary?

JUST ANOTHER LIFEWhere stories live. Discover now