SHADOWS:Empty and Depraved

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I saw him today.
And just like yesterday,
He smiled at me,
And disappeared in the haze.

So I went on with my day,
And as I came back ,
He was back again.

But today something has changed.
Today, he seems deranged
I think he wants something from me
Is it my sanity?
Is it my soul’s purity?
Or is it the apparent chastity ?

But I don’t have any of those.
All I have is an insane mind,
A depraved soul,
And my chastity has already been sold.

When I look into his eyes
All I can see are lies,
The invisible emptiness of the sky,
Those eyes are a meaningless tie,
which we can’t deny.

In the end,
I’m as empty as him
And his soul is as depraved as mine.
It’s only a matter of time!

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