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When your need becomes an urge,
When your sleep becomes comfort,
When your bravery makes you a coward,
When you are too numb to get hurt,

When you hate to love ,
And love to hate,
When you are scared of a touch,
But get touched anyways,

When the lines are blurred,
And your vision gets blurry,
When you are drowning underwater,
But your body is on land,
When you feel safer
In a castle made of sand,

When your right is their wrong,
And your wrong is their right,
When you feel that you are strong,
But not enough for a fight,

When you want to cry,
But your tears have dried.
When you want to be held,
But never have it spelled,.

When you want to talk,
But alone you walk.
When you want it all to end,
So you reminisce the time you spent.

Just know that there is more to it,
It was meant to end,
But YOU aren't supposed to end it.

You are more than what you think,
The purpose is always at the brink.

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