13 - living memory

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You wake up, with 3 rings on your hand. You miss the feeling of cold metal on your fingers.

It's Tuesday and your fear will become reality in 4 days. You won't have any protection and you'll have to pretend everything is fine, you have to keep calm and collected until you get your rings back. You are afraid of what might happen then, you'll hear everyone's mind and you might not have the full grasp of your powers.

What if I blow up the windows of fright? What if I even blow up the school? I don't know how much these antennas will protect me and others. I might become a monster, a freak. I already am a freak but I don't need others to know about it. I guess some already think so but I can't I just....am scared

Even if you feel like you're losing yourself and emotions, you still have some bursts of emotions, like fear and sorrow at the moment. You shake the feeling off and walk downstairs, no bubblegum haired boy in sight. You thought it was weird but got ready first. Your dad had already left, so you went to Saiki's house. You knock on the door but nobody answers. You teleport inside sneakily and walk upstairs and knock on his door.

"Saiki, are you okay? Are you sick or have you fainted?" you slowly open the door to see the boy in deep sleep, with a ring on.

So, he does wear a mind-reading blocker? Huh, interesting.

You make sure that he sleeps again and you kneel down next to his bed. You slowly and carefully take his hand, slowly taking the ring off, still holding his hand and looking the the other ring on your other hand.

Suddenly you can feel a fast shift and a pair of eyes staring at you, you're so surprised that you stare at him like a deer in the headlights.

"Finally awake, we are going to be late boy" you give him an annoyed face, with your hand covering your face that has slowly turned pink.



"My ring, give it back." the boy gave an annoyed face as you gave it back and apologized. You went downstairs to see his mother suddenly.

"Oh I didn't even hear you Hana! When did you get here?" she spoke in a happy tone.

"Oh just a few minutes ago, I was just checking in if Saiki was sick or not, but he just slept in. He is coming at any moment." you smile back at her.

He walks down and the both of you leave. The way to school was usual, you have slowly started to even enjoy the silent moments you at first thought were annoying.

"How did you get in?" You hear Saiki speak now, a bit of his morning voice still hearable.

"I walked?" you chuckled in confusion.

"The door was locked."

"It was unlocked when I got there."

"Hm, I guess Kuskue must've dropped by, because I remember locking the door."

"I guess yeah" you smile with some nervousness.

You see him taking out his phone and calling Kuskue.

oh shit

I don't believe her.

You hear Kuskues voice from the voice.

The school is already on sight and you hear the conversation from the both of them, but kid yelling in front of you kept from understanding the words from his mouth and from the phone. Saiki put the phone away and looked at you.


"You were correct." you hear him say and you feel blessed by heaven.


The school day goes like usual, you two sitting and others talking and laughing by Saiki. You always felt a bit excluded but Aren always by your side, while Saiki tried to escape everyone, even you. You have always felt thankful for him, he really is a good person.

Everyone goes to good ramen place, with Teruhashi trying to swing Saiki by his feet, Nendo talking nonsense that makes you laugh quietly, Aren and Kaido having a friendly argument, Chiyo staring at Kaido and you just looking at the whole table, adoring everyone. Even if you haven't known them for long, you liked everyone.

Yes, you could hear their thoughts, the good and the bad, but you have already learned that everyone has both. You have to accept the needy part of you, the selfish part and the nice and good part. Because everyone is selfish at times, you can't help it. The good part is that, even if you have the thoughts, you still act nice.

So you sat there, listening to conversations and giggling along, eating good food and having a good time. A small happy feeling still being able to burn inside you, without all the rings that you are sure will keep your humanity.

You look outside, trying to remember your old friends but you can only remember the one whose life you ruined, Masa. He was like the sun, he shined with kindness in his heart and was always nice to everyone. It was back when you were still without the jewelry, your powers were smaller and controllable. The thought of him turned your warm heart into a chilly one. Suddenly you didn't want to be there anymore, you didn't want to accidentally make everyone here go insane. You remembered what you did to him, why you wear the jewelry and why you are afraid to take them off. Because you turned Masa, a social butterfly like you, a boy who loved nature and the big blue sky into someone who would look at you like a killer, a boy who hated the fresh air and only spoke one word to you until you left. You didn't even want to remember what he used to call him, because he was right.

The sadness in your face caught Aren's eye as he put an arm on your shoulder "You okay Hana?"

You come out of your thoughts and smile at him "Never felt better haha...I just thought of my old school and friends from there. I thought of an old friend who used to go to the same kindergarten and school with him." you tend to trust people more in vulnerable moments.

His eyes shined brightly "Oh right you transferred here, how was your old school like?"

"Nothing special." you give him a shy smile again, trying to forget the boy named Masa. You have always tried to forget him, he used to be your best friend, so it has been hard to do so.

Rest of the evening went like usual, everyone walked home like usual, waving everyone bye when you and Saiki went your own way. You look at the sky again, remembering even why you have grown to love and appreciate nature.

I have to move on. When I was a kid, I didn't know what I was doing. I must forget him before history repeats itself.

You wave Saiki goodbye, too tired of your own thoughts tormenting you that you didn't even care that he didn't wave back. You speed to your bed and let yourself fall there. You look at the ceiling, remembering Masa again, it was painful. The new school was supposed to be a new start, with no mistakes but the feeling will forever follow you. You felt like your heart wasn't even going cold, but chilly and soft. It just hurt.

You smile at the ceiling, trying to feel better.

Remember, you were a kid, it's okay. He teched you so much, now you have to teach love and everything beautiful just so his past could live on, the one that i....ruined.

You hadn't cried in years and you surprisingly didn't know but you felt a single tear fall from your cheek.

You got up, did your homework and tried to fall asleep, Masa on the back of your mind.

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