14 - keep a closer eye

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Two rings left.

Before you took it off, you felt the adrenaline grow. Fear of what might happen. You two had moved the meeting to mornings and nights, like 4 am or 11pm. It was a secretive thing for Kuskue and you, you mustn't let anyone know. Kuskue didn't seem to care, he only wanted to get the project done with, so he could go back to doing...whatever he does.

"I think today, I would love to see your office, Kuskue. Since you do work on the project that involves me, I would like to actually see evidence." you gave him a cold stare, your own heart feeling like stone after taking the ring off.

"Don't you have school?" Kuskue wondered

"Of course I do, but I am skipping. I want to see the process and what you are doing. I want to trust you." you cross your arms.

"Well I think feelings won't be the term you'll use in a few days, but don't you trust your brother?" you smiled playing with the ring.

"No." you raised a brow at him, just wanting to see the process.

"Great choice, let's go" you smiled and the two of you went to his office. You left a note on your desk for Saiki, that you left to meet your mom and couldn't come to school. It was Friday anyway, who cares.

You go into your backyard, Kuskue commanding you to teleport after showing a picture of the laboratory.

"I- I uh don't know if I can do that, I might be psychic but I am not a smart one."

"Oh so he really brainwashed you!" his smile started to creep you out.

"No, what do you mean?" you say defensively.

"Yes, since I know everything you are capable of, yet you like to believe you are a normal, boring, useless human like the rest. Grow up and open your eyes, teleport to the laboratory I'm tired of waiting." he crossed his arms, seeing Kusuo leave his house "Hurry, Saiki is coming and you don't want him to see you, right?"

You put your arm on his shoulder and looked at the photo, a second later you were where you were requested to teleport. Your hands were shaking a bit, you felt your cold heart shivering. You had never done that before, an unbelievable laugh escaped your mouth.

"That is something new" you looked around, as you saw the rings sit on special ring holders. You saw a large table with blueprints and a magnifying glass. You rushed to see them as Kuskue put the newest ring on another table.

"If you want to stay here, please be quiet, I am trying to work." Kuskue says and you can see his fake smile disappear as he turns his head to his work.

These look pretty real and...safe.

"What do these exactly do now, then?" you look at Kuskue who sighs.

"Hasn't Daichi told you anything? Well, it holds more power, and slowly takes some away as well, because you obviously are not built for a psychic lifestyle. The rings you put on sting a little at first as you put them on, but then you are free from the powers you choose to erase." he looked a bit irritated.

"Why do you know so much?"

"A relative used to be an esper." He turns back to his work "Okay, now be quiet, I am working."

You stood next to him, looking at his work.


Saiki looks at your note, a bit surprised by the sudden leaving. You seemed the type to tell when you're not free the next day. He shrugged and left for school, being a bit thrown off by the fact that you left so fast. He walks on the school grounds, being bombarded by Nendo and Kaido.

The whole day he thought about the fact that this seemed unlike you.

Why would I even care, good grief

He looks at his book while trying to ignore Teruhashi.

"Where is Hana? She usually hangs out with you?" Teruhashi asked in a nice voice, secretly celebrating the fact she can be alone with Saiki now. Saiki keeps pretending to read the book while others join in the conversation. The theme was changed, but Saiki still thought.

"Saiki, you seem to be quiet." Kaido said worriedly

"I am always quiet"

Saiki thought

", is it because of Hana not being here? She'll be back at school tomorrow, I am sure, so don't worry." the conversation turned back to your absence. Saiki just sighed and nodded.

Why do they think I care? Just because I walk home with her doesn't mean I am friends with her. Yes we do hang out while we are not at school but that doesn't mean anything. Although I did appreciate the cooking lesson on how to make coffee jelly.

Oh but I did tell her I'm her friend. Damn it.

Saiki sat on his seat, trying to convince himself that you two are not friends, failing to do so and as a conclusion says:

Well, I guess I am her best friend but she isn't mine.


You are now bored of looking around, not seeing anything suspicious about the project and not caring about his own projects. You teleport back home, still a bit surprised that you can do it.

You sat on your bed, back to staring at your ceiling, when finally deciding to go to the park. You sit on a bench, adoring the surroundings. Happy kids and beautiful melody from the birds. You love to appreciate something your home, Earth, has given you and to others.

You fell into a deep thought and tried to figure out your emotions before they all dissapear.

You had finally realized that you are not scared of losing happiness, sadness, anger or fear - you are scared to lose empathy and good will. You don't want to become a demon that you could easily become. You could do anything you wanted, if you wanted to blow up the galaxy, you could. You wanted to just sit in the garden and smell the flowers, listen to the river flow and the wind whisper it's stories. You were scared that after losing the rings, you couldnt appreciate Earth.

Life to you is love. Loving your friends, family, art, poems and all other silly things humans can come up with.

You closed your eyes and flied around your thoughts. You opened your eyes, due to hearing Nendo, Kaido and assuming that Kusuo was with them. You stood up, being a bit irritated that your deep thought session was ruined. You didn't have the will to meet them at the moment. You walked out, hoping that you won't be noticed and your wish was granted. Well, you thought so but Kusuo saw you and wondered why you were alone.

I really need to keep a closer eye on her.

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