Episode 3: Let the Training Begin

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"The Dragon spirit is capable of lengthening one's life, but it can not stop outside factors from cutting life short. And that, young Dragons, is the true history of the Dragons. That is until the four of you." Guan finishes.

Master Monk Guan then gets up and says before leaving, "When you are all finished, you may go to bed. Training will begin at the crack of dawn."

"Yes, Master." They all respond before going back to their meals. Once they finished, they began walking to their huts. "Now I understand why you empathize with Chase Young so much, Omi. I can't imagine going through all that." Raimundo says as they're walking. "Yes. I knew he must have gone through a great deal of pain to turn to Heylin, but I never imagined that it was something like that." Omi says with a sad look on his face. "If it makes you feel better, Omi, at least we know you were right about him. There is good in him. We'll just have to find a way to dig it back out." Kimiko says, reassuring the small monk. "Oh yes! Having Chase Young on our side again would be totally punch gut!" Omi says to which Clay corrects him by saying, "I think ya mean kick butt."

"That too." Omi responds, making everyone laugh. "You never change, Omi."

The next morning, Clay is the first person awake, so he decides to make breakfast. One by one, the others follow the smell of food into the dining hut. "Mornin guys! I was thinkin, since we hafta wake up on our own and fix breakfast b'fore sunrise, wha do y'all say we take turns?" Clay asks while passing out everyone's plates. "That's a great idea, Clay! Not only would it be far for all of us, but it would also be a good way to make sure we get breakfast every morning." Kimiko states as Dojo slinks in, still carrying his teddy bear. "Hey Dojo, I've been meaning to ask, what's with the bear? That's not the same one you had at the temple, so, what's the deal?" Raimundo asks.

"(Y/n) made it for me when I was just a hatchling. I left it here so that I would always remember this place. I may have forgotten a lot over the centuries but a dragon never forgets the one who hatched them." Dojo answers, holding the bear tighter. The monks exchange looks of sympathy. Raimundo looks up at the clock before sighing. "*sigh* We've still got enough time. Give it here, Dojo. I should be able to clean and repair it before we have to start training."

"Really!? That'd be amazing! Thank you, Raimundo." Dojo says as he hands him the bear. Raimundo takes it over to the sink and gently but effectively cleans it before turning to the others. "Anybody got a needle and thread?"

"I do." Clay says before rushing to his hut and coming back with a fully stocked sewing kit, earning him confused looks from everyone in the room. "What? Y'all know how much repars this hat needs after one 'a our adventures?" This causes everyone to laugh as Raimundo gets to work on the teddy. After he finishes the repairs, he hands it back to the small dragon. "Here you go pal, all patched up and clean." The others give him a curious look making him say, "What are those looks for? When you have as many siblings as I do, you tend to learn more than you bargained for."

Time continues and the four monks begin their training. They spend the next few months splitting their days between learning new techniques and repairing the village. Though they all were having issues learning the new techniques, restorations in the village continue without a hitch. They manage to turn the ancient village into a large temple that they began calling the Dragon Temple. Despite the successful restorations, Guan found himself doubtful about the future of the young Dragons. With all four having issues learning any of his techniques, he couldn't help but think that he must be doing something wrong. Several days after the Dragon Temple was finished and with, even the quick learning Omi, having issues with all of Guan's teachings, Guan decided that he needed some advice. One day, at dinner, Master Monk Guan made an announcement. "I regret to inform everyone, but I will be gone for a little while. I have found myself inadequate for the role of your teacher." The others open their mouths to argue but Guan stops them before continuing.

"I will be meeting with Master Fung to get some advice. So while I'm gone, I expect you all to be practicing those techniques. When I return, we will work together to improve. Understood?"

"Yes, Master" they all answer simultaneously.

Sure enough, the next morning, the monks woke up to find that Master Monk Guan had already left. The group tried not to be discouraged as they continue with their day as if Guan would be back at any moment. However, little do they realize that their every move is being watched from afar.

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