Episode 9: Missing Master

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Nearly a week has gone by, and the monks are training diligently. All but Kimiko, who is on forced rest due to the injuries she sustained. "Seriously, you guys! I'm fine!" Kimiko yells in frustration.

"Calm yourself, Kimiko. It's just a precaution." Omi assures her only for her to sulk even more.

"What do you guys say, we sneak out tonight and check up on our little Master?" Raimundo whispers. The other are elated at the suggestion. "I do'n know 'bout y'all, but I've been havin a hard time w'th this newest move Master Guan's been tryin'ta teach." Clay says, which the others agree with.

That night, the four sneak out of the temple and head to the Falls, not realizing that they weren't alone. They get to the Xiaolin Falls and begin searching for (Y/n), just calling her 'Master' as they search.

"So that's how you managed to succeed in learning all those techniques in my absence." The four quickly turn around to find Master Monk Guan standing near the falls with Dojo on his shoulders.

"Mind explaining who this other 'Master' is and how they know such advanced Xiaolin techniques well enough to teach you all? Or why you all felt the need to keep them a secret from, not only me but Dojo as well?" Guan asks in a deathly serious tone. As the four struggle to figure out an explanation, Dojo suddenly begins to shake.

"As much as I want to know the answer, we have a bigger issue!" Dojo says, jumping off of Guan's shoulder to start using anything he can to scratch himself.

"Seriously? Now? It's the middle of the night! When has a Shen Gong Wu activated in the middle of the night?" Kimiko asks.

"Don't know, but this one has, and it's driving me crazy! Can we save this conversation for afterward?" Dojo asks pledingly as he continues to itch. Guan sighs before looking at his students. "Fine, but I'm going with you on this one. This conversation is far from over." He states to which the others respond with a guilty sounding, "Yes, Master," before heading off to the new Wu.

On their way, they open the Shen Gong Wu scroll to figure out what they're looking for. "Owl Specs. This Shen Gong Wu lets you see in even the darkest places and, under special circumstances, can even let you see other people's dark seed? What the heck is a dark seed?" Raimundo asks after reading the info on the Wu.

"A dark seed is the seed in people's hearts that would cause them to do dark things. The special circumstances refer to a special procedure to make that ability possible." Guan explains.

After a while of flying, the group finally gets to their destination, a bamboo forest. As soon as they land, they split up and begin their search. As they're searching, Raimundo gets thrown backward and into Clay. The rest of the group looks to see what happened to find one of Jack's Jackbots. "Great. Just what we needed." Kimiko says as more show up and a fight begins.

During the fight, Omi is thrown into a bamboo stock, and something hits him in the head. "The Owl Specs!" Omi exclaims, drawing everyone's attention. Just as Omi jumps up to start running, the bamboo glasses with gold lens that are the Owl Specs begin to glow. With a swishing sound, Chase reveals himself from under an invisibility Wu known as the Shroud of Shadows.

"Omi, I challenge you to a Xiaolin Showdown. I wager my Eye of Dashi for your Orb of Tornami. The game is last to fall. The first one to touch the ground loses." Chase says.

"Very well then. Let's go."

"Xiaolin Showdown!" The two say simultaneously. The surroundings then began to change around them. The bamboo got taller, and two bamboo stocks popped up from underneath them, lifting them to the top. Their outfits even changed. Omi's usual red outfit with black accents was now a dark blue replacing the red and now has a mask covering his whole head except his eyes. Meanwhile, Chase's armor got alittle darker and now has spikes on the shoulders and cuffs of it. Everyone else in the area ended up being picked up by clouds to get a better view of the Showdown. Master Monk Guan and the others were in outfits that matched Omi's while on a cloud together, Jack and Wuya were sharing a cloud, and an unfamiliar woman with (h/l)(h/c) hair and sparkling (e/c) eyes. Sat alone in a (f/c) version of the monks' outfits except her mask only covers her mouth and nose.

Once everything was done, the two stared each other down as they started the showdown by simultaneously saying, "Gong Yi Tanpai!"

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