Episode 12: Saving Chase Part 2

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   "Chase Young! I challenge you to a Xiaolin Showdown." (Y/n) says, looking Chase in the eye while he narrows his.

   "So, this is what you were planning. There was really no winning for me. Was there? If I had left you behind, you would have run off, but since I brought you with me, you decided to challenge me. Very well, but might I ask what you plan on waging? Other than the Mirror Pendant, you don't have any other Wu." Chase says with a cocky smirk.

   "Freedom. If I win, you rejoin Xiaolin, and let us help you undo your curse." (Y/n) says, keeping eye contact.

   "Hah! And what could you possibly wager, that's of equil-"

   "I'll give up." (Y/n) interrupted.

   "What?" Chase asks in shock.

   "If you win, I'll give up. I won't fight you anymore. I will willingly join you on the Heylin side." (Y/n) finishes with a sad look on her face.

"You can't!"
"Master (N/n), do'n do it!"
"Please don't!"
   The young monks exclaim in protest as Master Guan stands there in shock at the events occurring in front of him. (Y/n) gives them a reassuring smile before bringing her attention back to Chase.

   "Well, is it a deal, Chase?" She asks, snapping Chase out of his thoughts. He then grins widely before responding, "That sounds like an excellent deal, (N/n)"

   "The game will be a simple race to the Wu. Neither of us will use any of our own Wu. The first one to grab the Flutter Wings win. If we're in agreement, let's go."

   "XIAOLIN SHOWDOWN!" The two say, causing the surroundings to shift and  change around them. One of the trees nearby grows to be extremely tall, and the Flutter Wings fly up to the top on their own. The monks end up getting picked up by a cloud as it moves around the tree, giving them a good view of the showdown. Once everything stops, they call out, "Gong Yi Tanpai!" and the showdown begins.

   Right off the bat, Chase gets an early lead, with (Y/n) on his tail. Seeing this, Chase decides to make things more difficult for her by breaking the branches as he jumps from one to another.

   "Hey! That's just dirty, even for you, Chase." Raimundo yells.

   (Y/n), however, isn't phased. Continuing to jump from one branch to another as they fall. Unknowingly to Chase, she manages to go to the other side of the tree and manages to get ahead of him. Just as Chase is reaching the top and is about to grab the Wu, another hand grabs it and stands in front of him.

   "Looks like I win, Chasy." (Y/n) says, using an old nickname she had for him before everything goes back to normal as the monks happily cheer for their Master's success.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16 ⏰

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