Episode 7: A Lover's Rage

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"Looking for this, Xiaolin DORKS?" The familiar voice cause the monks to groan in annoyance. They turn around to find a thin, pale-skinned, red-headed boy with a torn-up black lab coat and goggles on his head. And he's holding the Shen Gong Shield. Upon seeing this, Raimundo gets an idea. "Look, guys. 'Momma' finally let Jacky-boy out of time-out." Raimundo teased, causing the boy to go red from embarrassment and frustration. Suddenly, Wuya, in the form of a floating mask with purple smoke coming from it, flew in front of Jack's face. "Focus, Jack! Quit letting them rile you up, and let's get going before -"

Wuya was interrupted by Omi sneaking up on Jack from behind and kicking the Wu out of his hand, causing a mad dash for the Wu to start. It ended up fumbling around until Jack managed to get ahold of it again.

"HA! Who's the losers now? This Wu is mine now, and there's nothing you can do about it." Jack says before sticking his tongue out at them, teasingly. However, he freezes when he feels it gets slightly heavier. He turns around to find a man in dark, goldish-green armor, amber eyes, and long black hair with his hand on the Shen Gong Shield. "Perhaps they can't, but what about me?" He asks, raising a brow.

"You can have it, Chase, Sir! You can have anything! Do you want a kidney? You can have mine! I don't need them!" Jack yells excitedly before lifting his shirt (taking the fanboy thing way too far). Chase just goes around him and steps closer to the monks while Wuya looks at Jack, disapprovingly. "Simp." She says before flying over to Chase.

Chase stares down the monks with a disappointed look on his face. "You know, I figured, with this being the first Wu to activate since you four ranked up that you'd put up a bit more of a fight." As he turns to walk away, Kimiko can't help but mumble, "Like you did for (Y/n)?"

This causes Chase to snap, and in the blink of an eye, he transforms into a dark green and black wingless dragon and has Kimiko by the throat.

"What did you say?" He growled as he continued to hold her up by the throat. "Just because Guan told you about my past, don't think for a second that you know anything about me. And least of all her." He then throws her over to the other monks a glares at her. "I don't ever want to hear her name come out of your mouth ever again." He warns the four before teleporting away in a cloud of blackish-green smoke.

"Whoa. ... That was so cool!" Jack says admiringly. To which Wuya responds by rolling her eyes and then flying off.

The monks sit there in the mud, shocked at what just happened and worried about Kimiko. After a little bit of time passes and Kimiko has managed to catch her breath, the group head back home, empty-handed.

Upon returning to the Dragon Temple, they find Master Monk Guan waiting for them with a gentle smile. But that quickly disappears when he notices the gloomy faces and Kimiko's neck.

"What happened?" Guan asks, inspecting the injuries on Kimiko.

"Chase happened." Raimundo answered.

"What!? Why would he- ... You brought up (Y/n). Didn't you?" Kimiko nodded at Guan's question, causing him to sigh.

"Everyone, to your huts. Kimiko, I'll be tending to your injuries before you head in for the night. We will leave the lecture for the morning." Guan says with a stern look.

"Yes, Master." The boys answer, Kimiko not able to because of her throat hurting.

Well into the night, the young monks sneak out and start heading to Xiaolin Falls when they're stopped by (Y/n). "Are you alright, Kimiko?" (Y/n) asks. Kimiko nods her head and (Y/n) let's out a sigh of relief. "Thank the Dragon. What were you thinking? You should know by now not to press his buttons. Unfortunately, the fact that he went straight into violence isn't a good sign."

"Can he still be redeemed? Preferably without risking our own throats?" Omi asks.

"Necks, Omi. Without risking your own neck. Unfortunately, this means that he is beginning to lose himself completely. If any of you have any doubts about giving him another chance. Say it now because it's going to take everything we have at this point."

(Y/n) looks at each person and is surprised when nobody, not even Kimiko, is changing their minds. "Ok. Do you all remember the changes you all needed to make?" They all nod in response. "Good. Meditate on it while you heal. You're a team. If one is hurt, you're all on recovery. I'll be expecting to see you four in a week or two when you are all rested." She says, giving a pointed look at Kimiko.

"Yes, Master." was their response before they head back inside and (Y/n) heads back to the Falls.

Meanwhile, at Chase's lair;
*CRASH* *THUD* "How DARE that little brat act like she knows anything. She doesn't know crap! How could she know anything? It's not like Guan knew why I-" Chase's rant is interrupted by his own thoughts as he begins to wonder something. Something that should be impossible.

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