Episode 5: Blast from the Past?

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"And I, young Dragons, am (Y/n)." The cat replied. Everyone's eyes grew wide with shock.

"(Y/n)? As in, THE (Y/n)? As in, Dragon of Harmony (Y/n)? GRAND MASTER DASHI'S ADOPTED DAUGHTER (Y/N)!?" Kimiko asked in shock.

"Yes? Yes. Yes! And YES! Surely you aren't THAT surprised. I mean, Guan told you what happened to me. Not to mention that Omi there has been turned into a cat, too. What's so surprising about my situation?"

"1, Guan also told us that you died! 2, even if he didn't, we wouldn't have expected you to live this long with you being a cat and all. 3 and 4, how did you know about Omi getting turned into a cat by Chase Young or even Omi's name!?" Raimundo states.

"Simple. I was the one who took Omi to the Xiaolin Temple in the first place. So obviously, I was going to stick around to hear what Fung was going to name him. I didn't want the future Water Dragon to have a stupid name. Actually, I saw each of you have your elements awakened for the first time."

"WHAT!?" The four asked simultaneously, startling (Y/n) to the point where it made her arch her back and her tail fluffed up.

Clay was the first to compose himself and says, "Thar must be some holes that none a' us know. How bout you take it from wha happened after you were dropped an' killed?"

(Y/n) sat up straight and nodded her head before telling them her side. "As you all are aware after I died, Chase joined Heylin, Guan left to find himself, and Grand Master Dashi passed away. However, he didn't just pass out of nowhere. Not long after Guan left, fath- Master Dashi fell deep into depression and decided to do one last thing to ensure the future of the Xiaolin Dragons. He came to my grave and used the last of his life and power to bring me back. Before giving in to death, he told me about Chase turning to darkness and Guan searching for his own answers and that I had a major role to play in bringing up the next generation of Dragons. I was crushed at everything I had just gone through right after being brought back. Heartbroken, I went off to see if it was real."

"I, unfortunately, found that it was. Centuries passed, and I decided that I should begin my search for the next generation. The first of you that I found, after even more centuries of searching, was Omi. A wildfire had destroyed so much land, and in that land was a small village that was cut off from the outside world. I searched the remains of the village, hoping to find survivors. The only one I found was a small infant that was in a bubble. I could sense the spirit of a Dragon. I approached the bubble, and it popped to reveal the baby crying inside. I was in no shape to care for him, but I knew he needed help, so I got enough blankets to transport him safely and took him to the Xiaolin Temple. I stayed for a little bit to make sure that I didn't make a huge mistake. After seeing how Fung and Dojo cared for him so deeply, I knew it was time for me to begin my search for you other three."

"The next one that I found was Kimiko. She and her mother were in a car wreck in the middle of the night. You were so young, Kimiko, I don't blame you for not remembering. The car was in flames, yet you were not touched by them, no doubt, thanks to your Dragon spirit. I eventually managed to pull you both out when the ambulance came. When I knew you were both safe, I continued my search."

"Next was Clay, and I have to say, you were quite the energetic little thing." (Y/n) commented, causing Clay to blush. "You were so eager to help your family that you were completely oblivious to your surroundings. Thankfully, you had quit reflexes because when you almost got caught in a landslide, your Dragon spirit shielded you. When your father used his lasso to get you out of the landslide, I knew you were in good hands with your family."

(Y/n) then turned a stern gaze to Raimundo. "Lastly, was you, Raimundo. I didn't like how I came to find you. Running from a bunch of ruffians with three of your younger siblings in your arms, I couldn't tell if I should've been angry that you put them in such a dangerous situation, or impressed that you were able to keep them safe despite the danger. And when you got cornered, your Dragon didn't hesitate to blow those goons away." This caused Raimundo to think for a moment. "So that's what happened to them." He said in realization.

"When the time came for the four of you to completely awaken as Xiaolin Dragons, I gave Fung a note listing everything. And he took it from there. Obviously, I continued to watch over you to make sure you would stay on the right path and nudge you back if you ever strayed." (Y/n) finished her tale before a knowing grin crawled across her face.

"Now that everyone is caught up, what do you all say, we get to training?"

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