Episode 8: 15 Hundred Years

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   That night, at Xiaolin Falls, (Y/n) was asleep in her favorite spot near the falls when she's awakened by the sound of a stick snapping. She lifted her head to find two pumas and a bobcat a little ways away.

   "C'mon now, boys. Let's be civil about this. We're all felines here." (Y/n) says as she backs away slowly. Suddenly, one of the pumas lunges at her, which she easily dodges before darting off to the side as the other two cats give chase. The pumas have some difficulties keeping up with all the small spaces she slips through, but the bobcat has a much easier time.

   She continues to run through the foliage until she manages to get onto a cliff that's difficult for them to follow onto. She sighs in relief only to get hit from behind, knocking her off the cliff and back down where the three cats were. She looked up at her attackers to find that there was now a lion with the group. The last thing she sees before everything goes black is the lion reaching for her, with its mouth. 'I'm sorry' being her last thought as her mind goes blank.


   When (Y/n) comes to, she finds herself in an unfamiliar place. She rubs her throbbing head only to realize that her paws are gone, hands being in their place. She looks around the room and finds a mirror. She rushes over to it only to freeze when she sees her reflection.

   "W-wha? How? How am I...-"

   "Human? That would be my doing." A familiar voice finishes and answers (Y/n)'s question. She whips her head towards the source to find, "Chase?"

   He walks up to her side only for her to crawl back away in confusion. "Wha-whe-why? How did you undo the spell? And why did you?"

   "Heylin magic undoes Heylin spells. As for why, I may be Heylin, but I'm still a man of my word. I did say that I would do anything to keep you safe. The promise I made to you has been the driving force for every decision I've made for the past 15 hundred years." Chase says, looking deep into her eyes with a serious expression on his face.

   "So what now? Do you expect me to join you on the Heylin side? You know what my answer will be." She says with determination in her voice. Chase, let's out a small chuckle in response.

   "I know you well enough to know that you wouldn't. But, I also know that you never leave a debt unpaid. It may take some time, but I'm sure you'll find a way to repay me willingly. For the time being, let's get you back to being able to use your human body, shall we?" He asks, holding out his hand to help her up. She takes it and tries to stand only to fall over. "Heheheh! Don't worry, you'll get used to it again soon enough." He says as he helps her walk out of the room.

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