Episode 10: Who's the Real Master

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Once everything was done, the two stared each other down as they started the showdown by simultaneously saying, "Gong Yi Tanpai!" The two immediately begin to fight trying to knock the other off. Chase is the first in the fight to use his Wu. "Eye of Dashi!" he yells, activating the Wu causing it to shoot a bolt of lightning, breaking the bamboo stock that Omi is standing on, along with some of the ones surrounding it. Omi managed to get to a safer stock before that one collapsed.

"C'mon Omi! You got this!" Kimiko yells in support with the others cheering Omi on with her. Dojo, however, couldn't bring himself to pull his attention away from the woman. "It can't be." He mumbles to himself.

The fighting continues, breaking some more of the stocks in the process. "Orb of Tornami! Ice!" Omi suddenly yells, activating his own Wu, freezing a few of the bamboo stocks, causing them to break with even the slightest pressure. But Chase managed past the obstacle.

Suddenly, "Omi! Use the Whirlpool Kick directly on him!" the woman yelled. Omi was confused by the stranger giving him advice but did as he was told. "Whirlpool Kick!" He called out as he began to spin in place, forming a whirlpool around him that shrunk to be around just his foot as he jumped and kicked. Chase was too distracted, glaring at the woman that by the time he reacted, it was too late. He tried to save himself by grabbing onto the other stocks, but the whirlpool part of the kick not only disoriented him but also made him soaking wet. By the time he finally managed to stop himself, his foot had touched the ground, making him the loser.

The surroundings went back to normal, and both the Owl Specs and the Eye of Dashi appeared in Omi's arms. The others cheered as they ran up to him and congratulated him on his win.

Unfortunately, Chase's eyes darkened, and he began, uncharacteristicly, storming up to the young monks. Guan noticed this and shielded them with his body only for the woman to stand infront of Guan. "Chase! You promised!" She says in an assertive tone, stopping Chase in his tracks. He then closed his eyes and took a deep breath. "You're right. My apologies. Let's go home." He says after opening his eyes, them going back to their usual amber color. Chase turns to leave only for the woman to state, "You know that's not my home." Chase just looks over his shoulder at her and says, "Not yet. Now, let's go." She takes a hesitant step before being stopped by Omi grabbing her hand.

"Master (N/n)?" Omi asks in a whisper. The woman only gives him a small, sad smile before winking. Then she continues to Chase's side, where he wraps an arm around her waist before disappearing in a puff of smoke.

Dojo then jumps onto Omi's shoulder and whispers something in his ear. Omi then nods his head, confirming Dojo's suspension. "Am I the only one who wants the know who that was and how she knew that Omi knew that move?" Kimiko asks what everyone else was wandering. Omi turns around and reveals, "That was Master (N/n)."

"WHAT!?" They all ask in response. Dojo then grows to his larger size and says, "Let's have this conversation back at the Temple. I need my little buddy for this conversation."

As they leave, Jack and Wuya are also leaving, and Wuya is not happy with what they just heard.

After the monks get home, the four tell Guan what happened in his absence. Guan and Dojo are in complete shock at the revelation.

"That explains why you were all so determined to practice outside the temple. But why didn't you guys tell me? You knew how much she meant to me. So why?" Dojo asks with tears in his eyes.

"Do'n take i' personl lil buddy. Master (N/n) insisted tha we do'n tella soul." Clay explains while Kimiko wipes away Dojo's tears.

"We wanted to, but we were vowed to quiet." Omi says to which Raimundo corrected. "Sworn to secrecy."

"That too."

"Regardless, fact is that (N/n) is alive, and now, Chase has her. We need to figure out a way to get him to give her up before he finds a way to convince her into the side of Heylin." Guan declares, earning nods of affirmation.


Back at Chase's lair, "Why did you do that? I brought you so you could see your students in action. Not for you to help them win." Chase yells angrily.

"Because you wouldn't listen when I tried to convince you to let me help you. The curse is taking over. If nothing is done soon, you'll be nothing more than the beast that you fight for control." (Y/n) says, causing him to slam his hand into the wall behind her.

"I am in complete control." He says, his eye darkened and his voice a mix between his human voice and his dragon voice.

"I can see that." (Y/n) says sarcastically without an ounce of fear. Her response causes Chase to snap out of it. "Sorry. I'm sorry. Maybe it is a little out of hand."

Before (Y/n) could say anything else, one of Chase's cats burst in, carrying Chase's Shen Gong Wu scroll as it glows.

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