Episode 6: Finally! A Shen Gong Wu!

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After that day, (Y/n) took on the role of their teacher. Obviously, keeping it a secret. With (Y/n)'s detailed instructions, they were able to learn a lot easier.

A few weeks later;
"Raimundo! Think of the flow of energy that occurs when you use the Sword of the Storm wu. That's the energy flow you want."

"Yes, Master (N/n)!"

"Kimiko! You. Are. Fire! Think heat. Think burn. If you aren't fire itself, then you won't be able to completely control your fire."

"Yes, Master (N/n)!"

"Nice form, Omi, but you're trying to harness water into a solid form, so you need to be solid too, or else it'll just melt like your stance."

"Yes, Master (N/n)!"

"That's what I'm talking about, Clay! But you need to narrow your stance just a bit. If your stance is too wide, you'll leave yourself open for your opponent to get in a cheap shot. And trust me, those are never fun."

"Yes, Master (N/n)!"

"Alright, everyone, I think you've all deserved a break. Get off your feet and rehydrate. Omi, that means hands too for you. Get over here and rest." (Y/n) calls after several hours of training.

"You guys are really fast learners. Quite a few of these techniques are high level. I'm impressed." (Y/n) says, beaming at the monks' progress.

Kimiko is the first to respond. "Well, you're a lot more detailed than what we're used to. So, that helps."

(Y/n) puffs out her chest with pride when a gong could be heard from the Dragon Temple. "Looks like you're finally going to be able to test out what you've all learned. Your first Shen Gong Wu, as official Xiaolin Dragons, has finally revealed itself. Go, before Dojo comes looking for you all."

With that, the four rush off to meet with Dojo. Upon getting to the Temple, they find Dojo is already in his large form and waiting. "Come on, you guys! The sooner we find this, Wu, the sooner I stop being itchy." Dojo exclaims as the others jump on his back and open the Shen Gong Wu scroll to figure out what they're looking for as Dojo takes to the sky.

Raimundo, being the one with the scroll, begins to read it. "The Shen Gong Shield. The Wu protects the user from any other Wu. The shape and size of the shield can be controlled by the user, but manipulating it takes time and concentration. Note: Use without prior experience could lead to all other Wu in the shield to be thrown out. So, wait til we've practiced before using it. Got it."

Dojo begins to land in a swamp while saying, "We're here! Watch your step. It's a little muddy."

"Gee, you think." Kimiko says sarcastically as she's pulling her foot out of the mud.

"Spread out. We're looking for an empty snow globe with a silver base." Raimundo says to which everyone nods and begins searching.

After searching for a while, they all regroup when they suddenly hear an all-to-familiar voice. "Looking for this, Xiaolin DORKS?"

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