Episode 11: Saving Chase

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   Before (Y/n) could say anything else, one of Chase's cats burst in, carrying Chase's Shen Gong Wu scroll as it glows.

   "Already?" (Y/n) asks with a raised brow.

   "The Wu are often times unpredictable when it comes to when they'll activate. Regardless, you are staying here. I don’t want you giving those young monks anymore help." Chase says as he turns away to grab the scroll from the cat.

    "Brilliant idea! Leave the one who's held here against her will, alone with a bunch of cats that wouldn't stand a chance now that she's back to normal. Yeah, that's not just begging for her to escape." She says sarcastically, causing Chase to glare at her over his shoulder.

   "Fine. But you aren't to leave my side. Got it?" Chase says, giving in.

   "Yes, sir." She says with a sarcastic salute before following him with a knowing grin on her face.

   Meanwhile, at the Dragon Temple,
   "Already!? But we just got back!" Raimundo states as Dojo is rolling around in the dirt, trying to get the itching to stop.

   "This is the worst day ever! Just get on so I can quit being itchy!" Dojo says before growing to his larger form and scooping everyone up before taking off. On the way, Master Monk Guan read the details of the new Wu. "The Flutter Wings. This Shen Gong Wu has the ability to give the user wings, therefore giving them the ability to fly."

   "Convenient." Omi states with everyone else nodding their heads in agreement.

   The moment they land and get off of Dojo, they are each hit by one of Chase's cats. A fight insues until Clay shouts, "Found it." Then it becomes a mad dash for the Wu with Chase coming out on top. That is until he feels a slight tug only to turn and find (Y/n) holding it as well.

   "Chase Young! I challenge you to a Xiaolin Showdown."

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