Episode 1: Becoming True Dragons

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   The young monks race through the temple to their Master. The moment they tumbled into the room, they hear their little dragon friend, Dojo, wailing. "NOOOHOHO!! PLEASE! I DON'T WANT TO LEAVE! I'LL DO ANYTHING JUST DON'T MAKE ME LEAVE! AAAHH HIC AAHH! *Sniffle*" The four exchange looks before finally asking what they were all wondering. "What in tarnation is going on here? What do ya mean 'Don't make you leave.'?" The big cowboy of the group, Clay, asked.

   The temple master, Master Fung, turns to the young monks and says, "Ah, good timing. The four of you need to start packing your bags. You will no longer be monks of the Xiaolin Temple."

   "WHAT!?" The four ask simultaneously. "That's right. Starting tomorrow, you will officially be Xiaolin Dragons and will be training under the guidance of the Dragon of Nature. One of the Dragons of the previous generation." Master Fung says, beaming with pride. The four are in absolute shock at the announcement. "Are you serious right now? Are we really leaving to be Xiaolin Dragons?" The thin, Brazilian boy of the group, Raimundo, asked. Master Fung nodded in response. "Who's the Dragon of Nature anyway?" The only girl in the group, Kimiko, asked. Master Fung simply responded, "You will know when you see him. Now, go pack your things. The five of you will be leaving first thing tomorrow morning. That includes you, Dojo."

   The kids pull Dojo off of Master Fung before making their way back to the bedrooms. Three out of the four talk excitedly about where they're going and who their new Master might be. But they come to a halt when they hear a sniffle. They turn around to find that it was Omi, the small, round-headed one of the group, with tears running down his face. "Oh, Omi! We didn't think about how hard this must be for you." Kimiko coos. "We're sorry, lil fella. I guess we just got excited bout thar bein a change a pace that we didn't think about it." Clay explains. "Yeah, I mean, this must be hard for you. This is the only place you've ever called home. If there's anything you need or want to talk about, we're all here for you, buddy." Raimundo says as the trio surrounds Omi in a group hug. "*sniffle* Thank you, my friends. That defines the planet to me."

   "I think you meant to say that it 'means the world' to you. But we know what you meant." Kimiko states with a giggle causing the whole group to start laughing. After a while, Omi calms down and the four continue to their rooms to pack.

   The next morning, Dojo grows to be his giant-sized self and everyone is tying their bags together to make it easier for Dojo to carry. After a heartwarming goodbye to Master Fung and the other monks of the temple, the five set off to their new home.

   Along the way, Kimiko gets curious and asks Dojo, "Where exactly are we going?" Dojo answers without looking at her. "To the place where Dashi trained his first group of students. His hometown, or what's left of it, Xiaozin. It's pretty remote so only a few remember where it is. Or that it even exists. It's been a very long time since I've been there. It holds a lot of painful memories for me, but it's got some good ones."

   "Why haven't you ever brought us before?" Omi asks.

   "That's because the bad outweighs the good. Not to mention, my memories of the place are kinda fuzzy on certain aspects. I don't know why." Dojo answers tilting his head to the side. "Anyway, I suggest you kids get comfy. We've still got a looong way to go."


   A few hours later, the group is jostled awake. "What was that for!?" Raimundo asks grumpily. "Sorry guys but we're coming up on the town. Look." Dojo says, pointing his nose to the ground to reveal a small area of overgrown stone paths, cottages made of stone and wood, and several collapsed structures that they can't quite make out what they are. As they are looking over the village, Omi spots a familiar bald head. "Look!" Omi exclaims excitedly. "It's Master Monk Guan!" The others look at where their small yellow friend is pointing to find the Xiaolin Master, clad in his signature orange outfit, fixing the remains of an old wall that looks like it, at one point, went around the whole town.

   Dojo flies down and lands a little ways from the older Master. Omi then jumps off and tackles Guan in a hug, making him laugh. "Hahahah, I've missed you too young monk. I trust that you have all been diligent in your training?" He points the question to all four while looking them over.

   "Yes. We have, but if I may ask, what are you doing here?" Kimiko takes the initiative to ask what everyone was thinking. Guan laughs one more before answering. "I will be your new Master from this day forward." This causes everyone to look at him in shock. "You mean ta tell us that ye're tha Dragon of Nature?" Clay asks. Guan's smile widens slightly. "Yes, Clay. You are correct. Now, before I explain that in detail, how about you kids- oh! My mistake, you young adults" He corrects himself as he acknowledges that the four are older than the last time he saw them. "go find a cottage and put your thing away. Afterward, you can help me with some of the repairs before we eat and call it a day. Hope you all had a big breakfast."

   The group nodded before setting off to do as they were told. After they each found a cottage and put their stuff inside, they came back out and helped their Master. With the help of some of the mystical items they brought known as Shen Gong Wu, they were able the get a considerable amount of work done before Guan decided to call it a day. Guan leads the others into a small building that looked to be a dining hall. After fixing a hardy dinner for his new disciples, He sits down in his spot and begins to speak.

   "It's time. Now that you all have made it to this point in your training to become Xiaolin Dragons, it is time for you to learn the true history of Xiaolin and Heylin."

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