Episode 4: Little Do They Know

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After breakfast, the group began practicing one of the techniques that none of them were able to figure out. Omi gets close but ends up landing on his face. He jumps up and screams in frustration. "WHY CAN'T I GET THIS RIGHT!?" He yells. Just then, the group hears someone sneeze and a blast of fire appears with it. They follow the flames to find Dojo with snot running down from his nose. "Dojo, did you go near the Fringe Flowers again? You know you're allergic." Kimiko scolds. "I know, but they're just so pretty this time of ye-y-y-Aaachoo!" Dojo interrupts himself with another sneeze, which causes the others to drop to the ground to avoid the flames. "*sniff* Sorry."

Kimiko gets up from the ground and tells the little dragon, "You need to be more careful next time. Go take some allergy medicine and get some sleep."

"But what if a Shen Gong Wu activates?" Dojo argues.

"We'll keep an eye on the Shen Gong Wu scroll. Plus we still have the Silver Manta Ray and Kimiko's Shen Gong Tracker app. So don't worry and get some rest." Raimundo reassures him. "Okay. If you're sure, *sniff* I'll get going then. But if you need me, *sniff* just come get me." Dojo says before giving in and going back to his room to rest.

After making sure that Dojo was asleep, the four continued with their training. After a couple of hours, Omi lets over another scream of frustration before falling onto his back. He then turns his head to the side and catches sight of a bush shaking. Omi quickly jumps up and rushes to the bush. The others see this and hurry over to their friend. "What is it, Omi?" Raimundo asks. "I do not know. But we're about to find out." Omi responds before pushing the branches and leaves aside to reveal a cat tangled in a vine growing in the bush. "Aaaaww!" They all coo at the same time before working together to get it free. "There you go, little friend. As much freedom as a feather." Omi states making Clay correct his terminology. "Free as a bird."

Kimiko quickly begins looking up what kind of cat it is as it begins rubbing on each of them. "Oh! It looks like this is a Mountain cat. It's so cute and fluffy. But I do wonder why it's at the base of a valley. These cats usually try to stay close to the tops of mountains, not the bottom." Kimiko states as it's rubbing on Clay's boot. "Maybe it got lost or curious abou- Hey!" Clay shouts as the cat jumps onto his shoulder and takes off with his hat. At this, Clay starts chasing the cat in blind determination. The others are quick to follow.

After a while of running, Raimundo, Kimiko, and Omi came to a screeching stop when they bumped into Clay. "Geez, dude! Warn a guy next time. Why'd you stop so suddenly anyway?" Raimundo asks while rubbing his sore nose, before following Clay's gaze to find them surrounded by a stunningly beautiful landscape. "Oh wow! What is this place?" Kimiko asks while looking at the waterfall in front of them.

"This is Xiaolin Falls." A female voice answers from behind them. The four slowly turn to where the voice came from, only to find the very cat they were chasing. The cat then tosses Clay's hat and it lands perfectly on his head. "And I, young Dragons, am (Y/n)."

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