Chapter 10: Trivia Bowl (Again)

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They all followed her inside while listening to the whispers around them about Damion and Onyx the other day. Apparently people were spreading rumors that Damion staged the shooting of Onyx just to get rid of him. Sophie overheard one of the contestants chatting about Damion and just lost it!

"Be quiet! It's not Damion's fault Onyx was shot! You're just trying to find an excuse to gossip. Maybe you should find something better to do in your life, rather than spreading false information about innocent people!" Sophie bursted.

"Sophie, it's ok! Calm down!" Damion shushed Sophie.

"Damion! These crapped people are gossiping about you! How do you expect me to handle that?" Sophie sighed exasperatedly.

"You guys are so cute together!" Andromeda pouted.

"Haha, very funny," Damion replied sarcastically.

"Welcome, once again, to the Contract Signing Trivia Bowl. Please find a seat and prepare all your materials, for we will start in two minutes," he said.

Sophie smirked at Damion before looking away. Damion could see her face flushed with red as she walked away. Andromeda was smiling and giggling hysterically while trudging up the bleachers to find her seat by the announcer. Damion opened up the group chat and waited for the announcers to come on the speakers.

"Is everyone ready?" Announcer 1 questioned.

There was an exciting YES exploding across the stadium. The announcer nodded and began with the questions after clearing her throat. Damion picked up his phone once he heard a Ding.

The answer is 1812. - Sophie

What's the question? - Damion

When was the War of 1812. - Andromeda

Thanks guys. - Damion

Damion put down his phone and prepared himself to step by the podium.

"Damion Leon, when was the War of 1812?" Announcer 2 looked up.

"It took place in the year 1812," Damion said, confidently.

"Correct, please take your seat," Announcer 3 nodded as she pressed the green check mark,

"Ten points to Nova's house," Announcer 4 punched in the numbers for the scoreboard.

The rounds continued on for hours until it was just Sophie, Andromeda, and Damion. He didn't know what to do, so he texted in the group chat while the judges were taking a water break.

Guys, what do we do? How do we make sure I win? - Damion

That's the thing. What if we all tie, so we can all go to the competition? - Sophie

That's a good idea! - Andromeda

So how do we make sure that happens? - Damion

Just say the answer at the exact same time. - Andromeda

Your the one who has the answer key, what's the next question and answer? - Sophie

Where are the two locations Solar Academy built in China? - Andromeda.

Easy! Beijing and Shanghai. - Damion

Look at that, smartie-pants. How did you know? - Sophie

I was talking to Xing and Ming recently. - Damion

Nice! - Sophie

So just say that at the same time in that exact order? - Damion

Yes! - Sophie

Yes! - Andromeda

Got it! - Damion

Wait! I can count down from three by tapping my foot three times, that way we can all speak at the same time. - Damion

Splendid idea! - Sophie

Damion put down his phone as the judges took their seats. Mrs. Sarah Sean nodded to indicate that they were able to continue with the contest. Announcer one raised the microphone to his mouth, preparing for his announcement.

"Alright, since we are down to our final three, you will each receive the same question. Whoever answers both correctly and quickly, wins the whole thing! There is only one question, so prepare yourself," he smiled.

"Damion Leon, Sophie Elsher, and Andromeda Skye, please step forward," Announcer 2 instructed, and they did so. "Okay, where are the two Solar Academy's located in China?" he said. Tap, tap, tap.

"Beijing and Shanghai," Damion, Sophie, and Andromeda declared.

"Correct," announcer 3 said.

"What is twenty-nine squared?" Announcer 4 asked. Damion looked at Sophie, and Sophie glanced at Andromeda. Tap, tap, tap, tap, tap, tap, tap, tap, pause, tap, tap, tap, tap, pause, tap.

"841," the three proclaimed.

"Very good," the announcer 4 reassured while nodding his head intently.

This is the last question! - Sophie

I am exhilarated, yet nervous. - Damion

The last question is: What are the first 10 digits of pi? - Andromeda

3.14159... Yeah I don't know. - Damion

The answer is: 3.1415926535 - Andromeda

Okay, thanks! - Damion

"Alright, this is the very last question! What are the first ten digits of pi?" Announcer 2 said. Tap, tap, tap.

"3.1415926535," they all said in unison.

All of the judges looked at each other, bewildered.

"Well then, I'm afraid we will have to call this a tie!" Announcer 5 announced. Damion skipped back over to his place on the bleachers, and instantly opened his phone up to the group chat.

I'm so excited! - Sophie

Same! - Andromeda

I can't wait for the Contract Signing! - Damion

Hold up. If we are tied, doesn't that mean we will have to compete against each other at the contest? - Damion

You're right! - Sophie

Uh oh. - Andromeda

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