Chapter 16: Round Three

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Sophie and Andromeda were whooping and cheering when Damion and Onyx made it out in under forty-two minutes.

"I knew you could do it!" Sophie whistled.

Damion and Onyx came running back to the stand. Robin and Naomi were disappointed, sulking in the audience.

"We're sorry," Damion said, sincerely.

"It's ok," Robin nodded.

Damion and Onyx shook hands with each of them before returning to his post.

"Congratulations!" Jay Oliver applauded them all.

"We can only have one winner, though," Professor Cliffe said.

"Correct. Now, Damion Leon and Onyx Caddel, Lily Zhang and Iris Duo have moved on to the next round!" Jay Oliver threw his hands up into the air.

"Round three will resume tomorrow," Professor Cliffe announced.

The students returned to their dorms to rest up for the following morning.

"What do you want for dinner? I don't feel like cooking," Sophie admitted.

"How about Italian?" Damion asked.

"Nah, spaghetti gives me the creeps," Alex said.

"Okay. Do we want something filling or something light?" Andromeda asked.

"Well, Damion and I need to be energized for whatever shenanigans they have planned. Maybe we should go with Chinese!" Onyx said, exasperated.

"I'm fine with that," Sophie shugged.

"Great! I'll call doordash!" Damion whipped out his phone.

After fifteen minutes, there was a knock on the door and Damion went to answer it. He tipped the delivery guy twenty SolarCoins. He closed the door behind him and set the food down on the kitchen counter.

"Food!" Onyx leapt off the couch.

"Hey! Wait your turn! We still have to bless the food, like usually," Damion stopped Onyx from devouring the egg roll.

"Bless what?" Alex questioned.

"Oh, it's a new habit we started. Every supper, we bless the food," Damion explained curtly.

"To whom?" Alex asked.

"Spirit's of space, duh," Sophie laughed.

The five of them gathered around the table and held hands, as they repeated the blessing:

"Bless us, Spirit's, for the food we are about to receive and bless the hands that prepared it, benedicite," Damion led the blessing.

"Well said," Sophie smiled.

Finally, they filled up on egg rolls, noodles, and rice until 8:00 PM. Sophie threw her napkin down and stood up.

"Where are you going?" Damion asked.

"Not that it's any of your concern but I have stuff to do," Sophie left the room.

"Something's strange about her," Damion muttered.

"Yeah? Maybe it's because of round two," Alex suggested, stuffing rice in his mouth.

"Eat with your mouth closed," Andromeda lectured.

"Fine," Alex scoffed.

The rest of the dinner was quiet, so Damion decided to see what stuff she had to do. He quietly tip-toed over to her dorm room. There was a sign that said:

Do NOT Enter

But, Damion ignored the sign. He quietly opened the door and peeked in the room. Sophie was sitting with a quill in her hand writing in an ancient book. The pages were wrinkled and growing yellow.

"Sophie? You like to write?" Damion asked.

Sophie jumped in her seat.

"Knock next time! I have a sign that says to not enter! Are you blind?" Sophie protested.

"Sorry," Damion retreated.

It was past his bedtime, so he flopped on his bed and went to sleep. The following morning, it would be the third round of the Contract Signing competition.

"Wake up! We're going to be late," Onyx shook Damion awake.

The dark blue curtains were open, and sun leaked through the crystal clear window, hitting Damion's back. It was the perfect morning. Pass the window was a branch, were painted bunting's were resting, singing happy tunes.

"What time is it?" Damion moaned.

"6:30 AM," Onyx said.

Damion rolled out of bed and dressed into his school robes. He slumped out the door and Onyx followed. They waved bye to the girls and made their way to the crowd.

"This is the final round of the contract signing competition! Contestants Lily Zhang, Iris Duo, Damion Leon, and Onyx Caddel come to the center of the arena," Jay Oliver's voice boomed through the stadium. "What you have to do is quickly cross the obstacles and sign your full name on the contract! First to get there wins the Contract Signing Competition!" Jay Oliver then proceeded to fire the gun. The four raced across the obstacle course, and swam through the ball pit. It seemed as if Iris was winning, but then Damion caught up to her.

"Come on, Damion!" Sophie cheered in the crowd.

Iris and Damion were neck and neck. Onyx and Lily weren't too much behind. Finally, Damion picked up the quill, preparing to write his name. One problem, Iris was already writing her name. Damion quickly scribbled his name and buzzed the golden buzzer.

"Iris and Damion tie for first place!" Jay Oliver hollered.

Sophie and Andromeda were crushed. Damion didn't take first by a substantial amount, let alone be the only one to win.

"Ugh," Andromeda rolled her eyes.

"Damion should have won, his name is longer than Iris's," Sophie jeered.

"Sophie, don't," Damion shook his head.

Iris was glaring heavily at Sophie, who glared right back. Iris came storming up to Sophie.

"If you have a problem with me, say it to my face," she said through gritted teeth.

"I'll say it to your face! You are slower than Damion! You will never succeed in life!" Sophie shouted.

Iris paused before speaking. Those last six words Sophie had told her hurt her heart. She couldn't let her take away her victory. Nostrils flaring, she punched Sophie in the face, leaving her knocked out.

"Iris!" Jay Oliver lectured.

"You apologize to her right now!" Andromeda bolted toward her.

Iris caught her punch and threw her off to the side. Tears were streaming down her face, as she ran back to her dormitory, ashamed.

"Iris, wait!" Annabel called.

"Leave her be," Lily held Annabel back from chasing after Iris. 

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