Chapter 9: Onyx

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"You're here?" Onyx asked, sarcastically.

"Yes, I am," Damion explained, with a stern voice.

"Ugh," Onyx sighed.

"I'm not so sure that this was a good idea..." Andromeda warned, when suddenly, a loud announcement came on.

"All Nova's and Eclipses, you may take your seats," a strange man explained.

"My name is James Kingston, you may begin the trivia bowl in ten minutes," the instructor explained.

The four of them started taking their seats and observed the other people participating in the challenge. Unfortunately, the people were separated into their houses, so nobody stuck together. Nova's wore dark blue shirts and white shorts, Nebula's wore purple tops with white shorts, Eclipse had to wear black shirts and white shorts, while Star had to wear pink tops and white shorts.

Damion then realized that only one house, one person, was able to win and participate in the Contract Signing Competition. To double-check with Sophie and Andromeda, he texted in the group chat.

Hey ya'll, who wants to go to the Contract Competition - Damion

You should! - Sophie

I don't want to make you all upset. How do we make sure that Nova wins? - Damion

I'm sitting right next to the judge. I can cheat off the answer key. - Andromeda

But how would that benefit me if you know the answer? - Damion

I'll text you the answers. - Andromeda

After realizing that Andromeda was willing to cheat to help Damion, he immediately felt more confident and knew he had to win.

"Alright! Each question your teammate answers individually is ten points, but if it's a group discussion, it's thirty points," Mrs. Sarah Sean announced.

"We have our first contestant, Damion Leon!" Announcer one called, and the audience clapped politely.

"Your first question: What is the formula for density?" Announcer two read off the paper.

"Mass divided by volume," Damion blurted.

"Correct, please take a seat," Announcer 3 buzzed the green check mark.

"Ten points to Nova," Announcer 4 punched in the marks for the scoreboard.

Nice! The next answer is 1024. - Andromeda

What's the question? - Sophie

32 squared. - Andromeda

The rounds kept growing harder and harder until it was Damion's second round. He stepped up by the podium and raised the microphone. Announcer 1 prepared the question.

"Damion Leon, what is thirty-two squared?" Announcer 1 spoke into the headset.

"One thousand twenty-four—" Damion felt something was off about the environment.

POW! A gunshot was fired from behind the wings. Damion could feel the bullet drawing closer to him, but it never came in contact with his body. Turning around, he gasped to see Onyx lying on the ground with a bullet engraved into his chest.

"ONYX! Why would you do such a thing!" Damion felt horrible.

"I-sav-saved-yo-you for the competition," Onyx muttered.

"Why? No! Don't! Stop! Keep breathing, please!" Damion cried, tears started to run down his cheeks, burning them in small strokes.

Onyx's eyes fluttered and slowly started to close. Damion held Onyx in his arms, cradled like an injured animal.

"9-1-1... C-call 9-1-1," Onyx insisted.

"Someone! Help, please!" Damion sputtered.

After waiting for what seemed like forever, the Solar Ambulance pulled up by the auditorium and one by one, came to take Onyx in the stretcher. Watching the ambulance drive along the puddle infested road to the hospital hurt Damion. Even though they hadn't had the best history, Damion felt horribly guilty. Many weeks had passed since Onyx had been shot. Finally, Damion decided to call Onyx.

"Hey Onyx," Damion said nervously.

"H-hi Damion," Onyx sputtered.

"How are you feeling?" Damion asked.

"Better, but I have something to tell you," Onyx explained.

"What is it?" Damion asked.

"I'm the one who sabotaged your sticky note-" Onyx managed to blurt before breaking out into tremendous coughing.

"Onyx! Are you okay?" Damion asked, panicked.

"I-I'm fine, don't worry. The important thing is that I'm really sorry Damion." Onyx insisted.

"It's okay, Onyx. I'm certainly not happy, but as long as you're alive, I'm fine." Damion said, sighing. 

Since the competition clearly didn't go as planned, Mrs Sarah Sean decided to host the trivia bowl again, but this time it was held in the Wedding Cake, named after the one in Pasadena, California. The following Sunday, Damion, Sophie, and Andromeda skipped down the yellow road.

"I'd hate to say this, but it's just not the same without Onyx," Damion admitted.

"Oh, nonsense, I don't miss him in the slightest," Andromeda remarked, a smile sweeping across her face.

"Andromeda, be nice! He's in the hospital, show some respect," Sophie glared intently.

"Hey, I'm just speaking facts!" Andromeda protested.

"Not sure if those facts are in my book," Damion laughed.

"Shut up! Sophie slapped Damion's face

"Hey! You're going to send me to the hospital now!" Damion chuckled.

"Oh stop, you crybaby!" Sophie teased.

"Hey! You're making me third wheel? Andromeda glared playfully.

After giggling and blushing, the three students finally arrived at the Wedding Cake. Mrs. Sarah Sean was waiting patiently by the door once they arrived.

"There you are! I have been waiting for your arrival," Mrs. Sarah Sean remarked.

"Sorry we're late, Sophie couldn't decide what to wear!" Damion giggled nervously.

"That's quite alright, are you ready to participate in the second round of the trivia bowl?" Mrs. Sarah Sean replied.

"We sure are!" Damion, Sophie, and Andromeda all exclaimed in unison.

"Alright then, follow me inside!" Mrs. Sarah Sean declared. 

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