Chapter 15: Round Two

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Damion was back to his original state, but the four had some unfinished business to tend to. They ran back to the dining room to finish off the second round of the contract signing competition.

"Hurry! We're going to be late!" Andromeda ushered.

"Damion can't run in this state," Sophie pointed out.

"Alright," Andromeda slowed down.

The four slowly walked back in order for Damion to not waste his energy when the second round hadn't even started. Finally, they made it to the second round and waited in line like everybody else.

"Congratulations for making it this far in our annual Contract Signing Competition," Jay Oliver exclaimed.

"Not that hard," Onyx muttered.

"As you all know, Damion was resurrected from the dead and will continue to participate," Jay Oliver looked down at Damion.

"It's been my pleasure to compete," Damion smiled, Jay Oliver nodded.

"This next round is all about trust. Pick a partner that will stick with you until the end," Jay Oliver said.

"Want to work with me?" Sophie asked Andromeda.

"Sure," Andromeda nodded.

"Guess that leaves me on my own," Damion muttered.

"I'm not that bad," Onyx said.

"Is that meant to be a joke or something?" Damion questioned sarcastically.

"Alright, now has everyone found their pairs?" Jay Oliver asked, everyone nodded.

"Yes!" Everyone said.

"Not everyone," Damion muttered.

"Hey! I'm right here!" Onyx whispered back.

"Okay, okay, sorry," Damion replied back.

"Alright, I will be handing everyone their tasks momentarily," Jay Oliver said.

After waiting for a long time, Jay Oliver came around handing each pair a slip of paper. Both Damion and Sophie were given a paper with a task for them and their partner. Damion was eying Sophie out of the corner of his eyes as the two read their papers aloud.

"Relay race with your partner against another pair," Sophie read out loud.

"Okay, Damion what about you?" She asked.

"An escape room with your partner," Damion read the words of the small off-white slip of paper. He glanced at Onyx, and then turned to face Professor Jay Oliver again.

"Now that every remaining contestant has received their task, we will begin the challenges." The professor announced.

"First up, Sophie Elsher and Andromeda Skye will be racing against Lily Zhang and Iris Duo in the relay race." Professor Cliffe said.

"Oh great," Andromeda muttered.

"Come on! The other team is so slow!" Sophie remarked as she dragged Andromeda alongside her to the racing track.

"Have you seen them?" Andromeda complained.

"No," Sophie admitted.

Andromeda and Iris were the first to run, and Sophie and Lily were standing on the other end of the track.

"You can do this, Andromeda!" Onyx screamed from the stands.

"Yeah! Come on!" Damion and Alex cheered. Andromeda was neck and neck with Iris when they handed off the batons to their teammates, but as Sophie and Lily began to pick up the speed, Sophie fell behind.

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