Period cramps and make out sessions

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You were suffering from the most painful time of the month cramps and not having any ice-cream, chocolate or your boyfriend didn't help at all. Stark had eaten all the ice cream as well as the chocolate even though I've told him more then once to lay off the junk food.

"Pietro!" You called out to your boyfriend of 3 months, he speeded into his bedroom where you were currently sprawled out on his bed.

"(Y/N)!" Pietro mocked as he kneeled down by your side, usually you didn't mind him mocking you but today wasn't one of those days.

"Pietro I have really bad cramps please get me some ice cream or something that'll help." You pleaded, you practically sore a light bulb appear on the top of his head as he smirked at you.

"дорогой, you will not benefit eating tons of junk food every day. You know that, now I've over heard Natasha and Wanda's conversation about this 'time of the month' and I've learnt that exercise is the best way to deal with them. So do you know what that means?" Pietro asked you, his Russian accent being thick and very attractive.

You frowned at him knowing his idea, there was no way in hell you were getting out of bed at 5pm to go to the gym. Although I didn't have to go far as you lived in Stark tower along with the rest of the Avengers. It was the floor below Steve's floor, as he used it the most Stark gave him the floor above the gym.

"No. I can't get up it hurts to much." You protested but Pietro wasn't having any of it, he picked you up and whizzed over to the draws to pick out something for you to wear to the gym. As he knew you working out in a short vest top and a pair of knickers wasn't appropriate.

He was a bit of a fitness nut, always working out and eating healthy, as a result of his healthy ways he had a muscly build and a six pack some girls would drool over. Where as you weren't that much of a fitness nut, you would go to the gym every so often and eat a apple every other day.

"Put these on now." Pietro grabbed work out leggings, sports bra and a longer vest top. Chucking them at your chest and catching them. You huffed and crossed your arms over your chest showing you weren't up to the idea of going to the gym.

"If you do not put them on, I will put them on you." Thinking to yourself of how attractive Pietro is when he's trying to get you to do something. Thinking of a few dirty things when he said it, 'that sounds better than going to the gym' You thought to yourself.

"Stop thinking dirty things (Y/N) and get changed, I'm getting impatient." Sounding like a 5 year old wanting to get sweets by his mother is talking to friend, you gave up and trecked into the bathroom to get changed.

Finding the gym clothes very comfortable and soft you come out the bathroom, cramps becoming more painful by the second.

"Finally. Now принцесса, let's go to the gym." Pietro sounding cheery of his decision to go to the gym. You signed and huffed, bending over slightly to try and ease the pain. Pietro sighed and lifted you in his arms and ran out the room, with his super human speed you were at the elevator in 5 seconds.

Coming towards the gym room where loads of equipment was from treadmills to yoga mats and weight lifting machines, this was practically heaven to Pietro and Steve.

Pietro put you down in the middle of the gym room looking around the room deciding on what to start with, nothing to harsh and nothing to light. He spotted something he liked and cleared his throat.

"(Y/N), let's go on the treadmill it's not to hard and you can start of slow then get faster." Pietro explained, trying to persuade you into going on the treadmill. Pietro gave you a small smile, knowing he's trying to help you in every way he can.

Slowly walking to the treadmill stepping on the treadmill and starting with a slow walk, feeling the cramps and pains slowly ease away.

"That's it keep going принцесса, you're doing great." Pietro encouraging you on, after 5 minutes of slow walking Pietro cranked up the speed a little now a fast pace walk. The pains and cramps forgotten about and didn't bother you anymore as you worked yourself faster on the treadmill.

2 hours and 4 breaks later, Pietro and you have been in the Gym for over 2 and a half hours. Your legs were starting to feel like jelly and your arms felt numb.

"Pietro can we stop now please, I can't feel my body." You pleaded to Pietro who looked satisfied with his efforts to help you with your cramps and pains.

"Have I helped you with your pains?" Pietro asked grabbing a towel and dabbing your forehead with it removing some beads of sweat.

"Yes very much, but now I'm tired as hell. Can we go to bed please." Pouting your lip at him and batting your eyelashes. He let out a chuckle and lifted you in his arms again walking towards the elevator.

"You have done well принцесса." Pietro praising your efforts.

Walking inside the elevator you placed a small gentle kiss to Pietro's neck which earned a soft moan from his lips. You were a little turned on by his soft quiet moan as you planted more kisses to his neck, Pietro biting his lip to stop more moans coming from his lips.

Pietro leaned his head demon towards yours and placed a small kiss to your lips, soft and sweet. The elevator doors open on Pietro's floor, he dashes out and runs for his bedroom. Once there he opens the door and puts you down in the bed.

"Oh darling, if only you weren't on your period right now." Pietro whispered in your ear as he hovered on top of you, putting your arms around his lean muscular back resting them there.
Kissing his lips, Pietro returning the favour and making it a passionate kiss. The moment became very heated very quickly, he kissed your neck and his hands roamed all over your body.

"I can give you a little work out session right now if you like.." You whispered in his ear, he growled and kissed your lips again biting at your bottom lip gaining entrance to your mouth.



Russian translation ~

дорогой. - Darling
принцесса. - Princess

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