The things he loves about you

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It has been a very long week, things were starting to get to you with the Avengers being as famous as ever the media started attacking Pietro and you as a couple. People wrote harsh and cruel things on social networks and wrote letters saying you don't deserve him, he's to perfect for a piece of garbage like you.

You knew you weren't the most skinniest or prettiest of things but Pietro made you feel special, yesyou had stretch marks on your legs and a few scars on your arms from the pain you couldn't take anymore. Your family weren't that supportive and bailed on you a few years back.

Some letters were scattered across your bed as you were earlier reading them, most of them contained threats to leave Pietro. Some of them mentioned your weight, some mentioned how you supposedly had horrible skin.

Currently sat on your bed, clenching your legs tightly up to your chest heaving breathing. Things were going a little blurry, and your head started hurting but that didn't stop the overthinking.

That was your worst enemy, overthinking. You knew being alone had it problems, having anxiety didn't help the overthinking issue either.

"(Y/N)?" A soft quite voice said.

You turned your head to face the direction of the door, Pietro's hair stuck out slightly and he has dark circles around his eyes wether that was normal for him or not was questionable but nevertheless he still looked cute.

"Come here munchkin." He walked over and sat behind you on the bed.

Cuddling you in his arms, you laid back trying to relax but the thoughts just kept coming and coming.

"Anxiety attack?" Pietro questioned.

You nodded your head slightly, he kissed your head.

"What are those?" Pietro asked.

Pointing to the letters on your bed.

"Letters." You said quietly.

"Who are they from?" Pietro took one and started reading it, he soon understood why you had another attack. "Don't listen to them, they are just jealous."

"Why would they be jealous of someone who has scars?" You asked back.

"Why wouldn't they be jealous? Listen to me munchkin, I love you. Every inch of you, from the way your hair curls and goes frizzy and looks like a lions mane. I love your stretch marks and your scars, don't ever let anyone tell you that you don't deserve me. If anything I don't deserve you, you are amazing (Y/N). You helped me with nightmares and Wanda with her nightmares, you are kind and beautiful and I will love you forever."

Feeling overwhelmed you sat up slowly, facing Pietro. You let a few tears fall down your face,

"Don't cry." Wiping away the tears with his thumb.

"I-I love y-you." You said.

Collapsing into his arms,

"I love you too, every part of you."


Sorry for the cringe nickname, munchkin 🙈

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