Tonys little sister

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You were Tony Stark's sister, well little sister anyway. Tony and Pietro aren't the best of friends and when Pietro tries to ask you out Tony gets a little over protective of you, and the pair get into a heated argument.

You were currently in the kitchen making a sandwich for you and your brother who was too lazy to do it himself.

"Hey (Y/N) can I talk to you for a second please?" Pietro asked, standing next to you leaning the on fridge. Tony your brother stood a few feet away from Pietro and you, overhearing your conversation.

"Yeah sure-" you started but were shortly interrupted by your older brother, Tony.

"No you can't talk to her for a second, (Y/N) can you give Speedy Gonzales here and me a minute to talk. Thanks." Tony being an over-protective brother was a good thing a pain in the ass.

"Why? Let the lady speak for herself, (Y/N) it'll take just two seconds." Pietro trying to get you away from your brother,

Pietro and you had been getting close since the battle of Sokovia, constantly sharing jokes and Pietro trying to teach you his language. You'd train in the gym together for hours on end and he'd look after you if you were ill, Wanda and you have been growing closer as well.

Wanda said how Pietro and you would make a great couple and how he never stops looking or talking about you, however your older brother Stark had different opinions on you two dating.

"No she's staying here I know what your intentions are Speedy Gonzales and trust me if I had it my way you'd never speak to her." Tony's voice raised.

Neither of them letting you have a say of what's happening here.

Pietro's face dropped and saddened at Tony's words, giving you a weak smile and backing away from you.

"No..Pietro.." You said but it was to late he'd already banished from sight, "what the hell was that for? He only wanted to talk to me, not fuck me into next week." Trying to make a point here but it didn't seem to be working.

"Language!" You heard Steve shout from the other room, Tony rolling his eyes at the remark Steve just made.

"You do realise what he wanted right?" Tony asking you, You just shrugged your shoulders. "He wanted to ask you out as in relationship wise, have you seen him? He's cocky, self-centred and a asshole. A bigger asshole than I am!"

This time it was you to roll your eyes, you had acknowledged that Pietro has a way with his words but he didn't mean any harm, he was sweet and funny, kind and caring. He just had a funny way of showing it..

"Yes I know that, is he really going to ask me out?" You ask biting your bottom lip. You were sure that Wanda had read your mind by now, knowing that you had developed a slight crush on Pietro.

"Yes I over heard him talking to Wanda the other day." Tony said, it's not that he doesn't want you to not have a boyfriend but he just doesn't want you getting hurt.

"Tony I know you don't really like Pietro." He huffed "But, I really like him and if you don't like him then that's your decision but please just let me talk to him." Explaining you feelings towards Pietro to your brother, Tony gave you a look then gave up as he knew he could tell you countless times that he's a bad person but you'll still go talk to him.

"Fine." Tony said simply then walked out the kitchen leaving you alone.

You decide to go and find Pietro and let him talk to you without any interrupting your conversation.

Leaving the kitchen and going to Pietro's room first, reaching his door knocking on it loud enough for anyone inside the room to hear.
Hearing movements from inside the room, opening the door slightly seeing Pietro on his bed.

"Pietro?" Trying to get his attention, his head snapped up and rushed over to the door. Opening it fully letting you come in. "I'm really sorry about my brother he just-"

"Doesn't like me." Pietro finishing your sentence, you nodded slightly.

"What was it that you wanted to talk to me about?" You asked. He shifted a little brushing a hand through his white fluffy looking hair, with a hand on his hip.

"Well, I wanted to ask you if.. You wanted to go out with me?" Pietro asked you confidently but quietly.

"Yes!" You said and ran to hug him, he opened out his arms and hugged you back tightly.

"Your brother isn't going to like this very much." Pietro said,

"Oh well, I guess he'll just have to live with it." You say smiling at Pietro. Laughing and giving him a small kiss.

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