First argument

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You and Pietro were going through a bit of a rough patch. Pietro was being distance from you and didn't talk to you as much yet he talked to the other, he wouldn't cuddle you at night or bring you your favourite coffee in the morning.

You sat on the bed with your knee at your chest and arms around your knees, Pietro was being distant and it was starting to annoy you.

Was this is way of telling me he didn't want to be with me? You thought to yourself.

The door opened to reveal a white hair boy, he came and sat next to you on the bed you turned your head away from him not giving into whatever excuse he may have.

"Love?" Pietro whispered in your ear, you ignored him the first time. The second time he said it you got off the bed and went into the bathroom slamming the door shut.

"What's got your knickers in a twist?" Pietro asked you, it made your blood boil how he hasn't noticed how distant he's been.

"What's got my knickers in a twist?" You repeated his words in a mocking voice. "You've been so distance lately! You don't even talk to me! Have I done something to you? Is this your way of telling me you don't want to be with me anymore?" You yelled at him.

"I've been distance, you haven't spoke to me in over a week! Sometime I ever wonder why we're in a relationship!" He shouted, His face saddened when he realised what he just said, "I didn't-"

"Why are we in a relationship then?" You shouted back. Your eyes becoming watery.

"Because..I-I..Love you." He stuttered, you let a tear roll down your face as you stormed out the room. He grabbed your arm but you pulled out of his grasp.

"Don't..touch me." You said weakly, walking out the room leaving Pietro by himself.

You got half way down the corridor when a blue blur came rushing beside you then stopped in front of you. Before you could ask him to get out the way he slammed you into the wall and passionately kissed you.

"Baby I love you, please. I'm sorry I yelled at you, please don't go. I love you." He said in between kisses. You did love him an awful lot, but he never showed how much he loved you.

"But you never show it, you don't do the simple things anymore. What happened to us?" You asked Pietro, he ran of leaving a blue blur in his tracks.

You silently cried thinking he's left you, but he came back a few seconds later with a bunch of red roses and a box of chocolate.

"For you my love." He handed them to you and you crushed him in a bear hug.

"I'm sorry."

"I'm sorry to darling." You both kissed passionately in the middle of the corridor. With a bunch of roses and chocolate in your hand, maybe he did love me after all.

Pietro Maximoff x Reader ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now