Starks party

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Tonight Stark was throwing a party and everyone was invited and loads of people were going to be there.

After hours of endless searching through your wardrobe and trying on dresses for tonight and finally you found a dress that you loved, it was sparkly and flowed down at the bottom.
After taking a shower and putting on some make up and straightening your hair you went downstairs where the party was being held.

You met Natasha half way to the party and she wore a fitted peach dress that looked amazing in her figure.

"Wow you look amazing." You said to Natasha, she hugged you then looked at your dress.

"Thank you, says you you look beautiful." She complimented you back. "Pietro's going to love it." Winking at you as she said it.

"And I'm sure Bruce will love this dress on you." You joked back, it wasn't hard to figure out that Bruce and Natasha were getting extremely close. You walked down the stairs where people were dancing and drinking with others, joking and laughing.

You couldn't see Pietro anywhere but you managed to see Wanda who was hugging Vision.

"(Y/N)!" Wanda yelled you over to where she was standing with Vision and Steve. "You look amazing!"

"Thank you so do you." You said back, she was wearing a purple dress that stopped at her knees. You turned your head to see Steve wearing a blue tight shirt that looked good on him.

"You look lovely." Steve said.

"You don't look so bad yourself solider." In a flirty tone, he smiled and walked of somewhere with Sam. "Have you seen Pietro?" You asked Wanda but she just shook her head. You thanked her then walked off to see if you could find Pietro.

"(Y/N) come drink with us!" You heard Thor call out, you smiled at him then walked over. "You look most beautiful tonight Lady (Y/N)." Thor complimented you, you thanked him.pouring a drink for yourself then chucking it back savouring the taste. Over an hour you poured 3 more drinks for yourself before someone tapped your shoulder.

"(Y/N)?" Someone said in your ear. You turned to see Pietro smiling at you.

"Pietro! I've missed you." You said wobbling about the place, slurring your words.

"Are you drunk?" His Russian accent was the most attractive thing you've heard all day.

"No silly, I'm (Y/N)!" He smiled and took your hand lifting you in his arms.

"Let's get you to bed." Pietro said rushing back to your room with his super human speed, within 5 seconds you were both at your door. He put you down on the bed and you tugged at his suit pulling him down on the bed on top of you.

"I think I need help getting out of this dress." You said being cheeky, Pietro bit his bottom lip. Trying to refuse the offer. But he helped you up and out of the dress.

He zipped open the dress at the back and watched it fall down your figure, wrapping his arms around your waist kissing your neck. Leaving a trail of kisses down your neck and to your shoulder blade.

"Your turn." You turned around helping him out of his suit, this was going to be fun night. You just hoped these walls are soundproof.

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