Date night

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Pietro had planned a night out for you and him, he hadn't told you as he wanted to keep it as a surprise.


"Why can't you tell me where we're going?" You asked Pietro for the millionth time.

He was taking you somewhere special and romantic as he put it, somewhere you haven't been before.

You was a little worried inside as it could be anywhere, but as long as you were together you were happy.

You had been in the car for over an hour and your curiosity was getting the best of you, you decided to ask one more time to try and get it out of him.

"Now can you tell us where we're going?" You bite your bottom lip as you watched him sigh and look out the window.

"Two more minutes darling, I promise." Taking your in his and kissing the top of your hand.

You smiled at him and turned your gaze to the trees you were passing by, you looked ahead of you seeing a field with a bench lit up with lights.

"Come on let's go." Pietro said opening his door, at the same time you climbed out the door and admired the view.

Nothing but field after field with the night sky full of stars above your heads, you felt a hand take your hand. Pietro guided you to the field with a bench on it with a picnic basket in his hand, as you approached the bench it had flowers surrounding it and lights around the bench.

"You did this just for me?" You asked.

"Of course I did, I love you любовь." Charming you with his language, you adored his language and accent for that matter.

"I love you to." You shared a kiss then sat on the bench opposite each other.

"I got your favourite food, chocolate and chocolate strawberries because I know it's time of the month for you and you crave chocolate." He knows me to well, " I brought our favourite sandwiches and our favourite drinks as well."

Handing me the chocolate and sandwiches we dig into the food, sharing stories from when we were little although Pietro had a tough upbringing he always sees the bright side of things.

"I love you babe."

"I love you too."

The rest of the night we ate food and shared memories together, after putting the basket in the car you strolled around the fields joking about and having a fun time together.

"Promise me you'll never leave me."

"I promise."

You would never leave Pietro you would rather die than leave him, you knew he only have you and Wanda by his side. You loved him so much, and he loved you. And that's all you'd ever need.

Pietro Maximoff x Reader ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now