Ballroom dance

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Requested by @Charlotte3481 ♥︎

"You guys are on next! Get ready!" Our instructor yelled from the dressing room door.

"You're going to do great (y/n), just breathe and move your feet." Pietro's words of inspiration.

Pieter had taken a day off from being around the avengers to come to see you in your ballroom competition, he was nervous for you as he knew how much it meant to you to win this. You'd been training for this moment since you were 7 years old, attending dance lessons and joining in with dance competitions.

"Thanks dude, means a lot." You smiled at the speedster and putting on your dancing shoes,

"Yeah she better not mess up my moment, if we win this I could be on the cover of the magazine." Blake, your self-centred, cocky dance partner said from across the room. "You know there are editors from popular magazine company's out there and if you fail they won't like you."

"Why would they put you on the front page of a magazine, they want to attract people to the magazine. Not scare people away."

"Oi, horse face. Leave the girl alone." You laughed at the nickname Pietro's gave Blake. In all honestly he did look like a horse.

"What did you just-" Blake was cut off by the instructor barging in the room,

"Your on! Let's go!"

Blake left the room, you followed behind him with Pietro walking by your side.

"You'll do great (y/n), brake a leg." You smiled and gave him a quick hug before entering the stage.

"Don't mess up." Blake whispered in your ear and you moved to the music, spinning and twirling around the stage.

You felt slight dizzy and a little sick. This never happens. You thought to yourself, you slipped a little but still went on with the dance.

"Get it together (y/n)!" Blake said.

The room was spinning, Blake was whispering things in your ear. Must finish the dance, you said to yourself.

Must do well.

Can't let anyone down.

The spinning.

Feeling sick.. And dizzy.

You lost your balance for the final part and tripled over, hitting the wooden floor. Gasps came from the audience and they all watched your mistake, Blake gave you a death glare.

"(Y/N)!" You heard.

You felt someone lift you up, Pietro was behind you lifting you into his arms bridal style. Pietro shot Blake a death glare and walked of stage, the host announced that the dance was over and the judges had to make their final decision.

Pietro brought you back to the dressing room where a nurse was waiting to check you out,
"Sit her in the chair, you took a pretty hard blow. Your ankle looks pretty swollen."

You looked down at your foot and it was purple, you felt disappointed, but you knew that you were going to get a mouth from Blake when he came in.

"You did great, not matter what the judges say." Pietro tried to comfort you.

"You! You ruined my moment!" Blake's voice could be heard from a mile away. Blake stood beside you with his hands in his hips, furrowing his eyebrows.

"Your having a moment right now, leave her alone. She broke her ankle dimwit!" Pietro raising his voice at Blake, he didn't say anything, just left the room slamming the door behind him.

"Thanks Pietro."

"It's alright." He wrapped his arms around you, kissing your forehead.

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