Boat day

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"So Natasha and Bruce your in this room on the left, Wanda and Vision in this room to my right. Steve and Sam in the room next to Nat and Banner, (Y/N) and Pietro are in the room next to me and pepper." Tony gave out the rooms on his private boat to us, guiding us to the rooms we were assigned to.

Nat, Bruce, Wanda, Pietro, Vision, Steve and Sam even Pepper was here. Others were invited but they were too busy, Thor was invited but he went back to Asgard a few weeks ago.

"10 minutes people and then it's swimming time! Whatever your wearing is what your swimming in so make it decent!" Tony shouted, You threw your bag down on the bed you called dibs on before Pietro got into the room.

It did wonder you how you got in here before Pietro, because you know, superhuman speed and all, but he was talking to Wanda so that explains it. You grabbed your bikini and headed into the bathroom to get changed, locking the door so no one could accidentally walk in on changing.

Just before the latch sealed the door close a blue blur came through the door, you turned around to be met with your boyfriend in his swimming trunks and goggles hanging loosely from his neck.

"Hey baby." Wrapping his arms around your waist and putting a kiss on your forehead. His hands slid down your waist and landed on your ass, giving it a little squeeze making you squirm a little.

"Pietro! Stop it! Someone might walk in on us!" You exclaimed, playfully slapping him on the arm. Pietro reached out his arm and locked the door and turned to look back at you.

"There, now. Where were we?" He said sliding his arms around your waist, first pecking your lips then making the kiss more deep and intense. You gave into the kiss and made the kiss deep, putting your arms around his neck.

He pushed you against the marble cabinet, grinding onto you slightly. "Pietro we can't do this here, or now." You said pushing him backs little.

"Ugh baby, always been a tease." He half whined, half teased.

Pietro unlocked the door and walked out, you peeped out the door and found Tony and Steve raising their eyebrows at you.

"I'm just about to get ready, be right back." Slamming the door and rushing to throw on your bikini, making sure all the places that should be covered are covered. You stumbled out the door and grabbed your sunglasses, making your way out to the open deck where everyone else was waiting.

Everyone was chilled, relaxed with a care in the world. A well deserved rest for the team was need for everyone's recovery from the past few weeks, everyone's been so busy and stressed lately. Everyone looked amazing today, especially Steve with his toned body and Pietro with his v-lines and abs that made girls weak in their knees.

"Hey (Y/N) come for a swim with me?" Pietro asked, ready to dive in head first into the water.

"Yeah sure." You said back, getting a running start then diving into the water head first, followed by Pietro. Wanna didn't like water very much so she stayed with vision, drinking and having a laugh.

The others jumped into the water, laughing and splashing each other.

Both of your heads popped up from the water as Pietro started a water fight with you, you shrieked at the water hitting you and started splashing him back.

"Hey hey! Enough you win! I surrender!" Holding his hands up in defeat, swimming towards you sliding his arms around your waist. "So have you enjoyed the holiday so far? It's been so relaxing, with Wanda and you."

Looking into each other's eyes before you spoke, "I know, I've loved every minute of it. With Steve, Tony, And pepper. It's been a good vacation." Purposely forgetting to mention his name, to annoy him a little bit.

"Oh don't say you didn't enjoy our night together the other night." You blushed at the memory of you two a few nights ago, "just you and me in a bed, making amazing memory's." You slapped his arm playfully.

"I thought we said to keep it a secret!" Forgetting you were a distance from the boat so the guys wouldn't be able to hear you.

"Baby lets be honest, I think at least one of them heard considering how good I was." It was true you guys were really loud, but not that either of you cared at the time. "And plus how loud you were moaning and the bed hitting the wall-"

"Okay okay! I get it, at least one person probably heard but it was a god night so, who cares." Changing your opinion of keeping your special night a secret.

"Someone's becoming rebellious." Tickeling your sides making you slash water around you.

"Stop it! Pietro!" You screamed, trying to pull away from his grip.

"Hey guys! Foods here!" Steve shouted from the boat, interrupted Pietro Tickeling you. Neither of you noticed that the others were already back on the boat,

You swam back over the the boat, climbing up the sides on a ladder. The food smelled great, chicken and pizza, and many other selections of food.

You sat down next to Pietro, and on the other side of you was Steve munching away on a chicken wing. You handed Pietro a chicken wing as you munched on your own food, it had been a long day and food was well needed.

As soon as everyone had eaten their food it was the evening and people were going to bed or what to away in the living room.

You lay down in Pietro's arm cuddled up to his toned body, on the sofa seats on the open deck of the boat gazing into the dark night sky. "Baby this moment couldn't be anymore perfect." Pietro whispered in your ear.

You giggled cuddling up to him more, "that was so cheesy." You both laughed and Pietro stood up to grab the drinks on the table.

"But it was cute."

"Yeah I guess."

You two didn't speak to each other, as you both drifted off into a sleep.

You cuddled for the rest of the night, Tony and pepper found you two in the morning curled up together. Tony wanted to put him in the water but pepper obviously said no and leaved you two alone.

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