No snogging in the kitchen

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You were all sat in Starks living room watching a documentary about animals which Thor finds very entertaining and intriguing. Stark was the opposite side of the couch to you with Bruce next to him, Thor was sat next to Stark and Natasha sat to him. Clint was curled up in the corner cuddling pillows and Sam was sleeping next to Clint, Rhodey was on his phone not paying attention to the TV at all. Wanda and Vision was cuddling in the other corner with Wanda's head resting on Visions shoulder.

(Y/N) and Pietro were sat next to each other making eye contact every few minutes or so, their hands slightly brushing up against each other. Making a shiver go down (Y/N) back.

As David Attenborough narrated the animal documentary Thor stared in awe at the animals on the screen in front him,

"What are these white fluffy things on this device?" Thor asked in with a puzzled face.

"There called Rabbits Thor and the device is a television." Witty stark strikes again. The group chuckled at Thor's question and Starks answer.

(Y/N) glanced at Pietro who was already lost in her eyes, (Y/N) quickly turned her head around trying to avoid letting Pietro see (Y/N)'s flustered face. Pietro cleared his throat and shifted a little a few inches away from (Y/N) which felt like a mile away for (Y/N).

Wanda noticed their odd movements and behaviour towards each other and raised her eyebrows at Pietro then at (Y/N),

(Y/N) and Wanda exchanged face expression with each other for a few minutes before (Y/N) got of the couch and walked towards the kitchen, Wanda took this as an opportunity to talk to (Y/N) alone.

(Y/N) was grabbing some orange juice when Wanda walked into the kitchen.

"So, explain this strange behaviour my brother and you are expressing towards each other." Wanda spoke up suddenly but softy, making sure none of the other could hear her words because (Y/N) knew that if any of the other found out she'll never hear the end of it. Especially from Tony.

"I'm not sure, I catch him looking at me every now and then but when I go to talk to him he never talks to me. He's comfortable with everyone else in the group apart from me!" (Y/N) exclaimed.

Wanda walked over to (Y/N) placing a finger over her mouth and shushing her.

"If I didn't know my brother any better I'd say he taking a slight interest in you." Wanda said.

Just then another person walked into the room, Wanda and (Y/N) both looking at who entered the room. Pietro stood there grabbing some more coffee, Wanda walked away from (Y/N) and stopped near her brother whispering something in his ear. He crossed his arms against his chest and stood there giving evil eyes to his sister.

I guess it wasn't complete oblivious to anyone that Pietro and (Y/N) acted strange towards each other, no one had ever said anything to them I guess they just let it go by.

Wanda left the room and (Y/N) started searching through the cupboards to find a snack as she last ate several hours ago. Pietro walked closer to her becoming uncomfortable.

It wasn't that Pietro didn't like (Y/N) but he loved her he had already discussed his feelings towards (Y/N) with his sister when the pair first met, he just wasn't very good at showing feelings towards other people. Or (Y/N) in this case but tonight he was going to ask her on a date.

Pietro cleared his throat as he stood a few feet behind (Y/N), She turned around to see Pietro closer than before.

"Hi-I..I was wondering if-if you w..wanted to go out.. Sometime." Pietro rushed his sentence like he rushed everything in his life, (Y/N) didn't know what to say.

Did Pietro just ask me out on a date? (Y/N) wondered.

(Y/N) and Pietro stood at arms length looking into each other's eyes.

"Did you just..ask me on a date?" (Y/N) asked Pietro who looked nervous and uncomfortable.

"Y-yeah." Pietro clarified.

"Yeah I will." (Y/N) said to Pietro which made him smile from ear to ear, embracing (Y/N) in a hug. (Y/N) hugged Pietro back tightly like they never wanted to let each other go, they turns heads to face each other.

Their faces growing closer together as Pietro's heart beat got faster as did (Y/N)'s. Pietro's Palm became sweaty and (Y/N) kept biting her lip at deciding on wether to kiss Pietro.

Without letting a single thought go through her brain, planting a quick kiss on his lips. Letting their lips sync together like pieces of a puzzle, (Y/N)'s arms snaking around Pietro's neck and Pietro's arms resting on (Y/N)'s hips.

"No snogging in the kitchen." A voice came from somewhere in the room. Both turn to see who it is, it's Stark. Smirking at the pair who just go back to kissing and ignoring Stark completely, who had grabbed some Doritos and went back into the living room.

"We will never heard the end of this." (Y/N) said to Pietro who laughed at her remark.

"So about that date.."

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