💔Chapter 2💔

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Jimin pov:

JM:"Oh, shit I'm going to be late now." I groan in frustration cause today my mom wake me up at 7:54. I park my car and rush to elevator cause It was about to close but I shout.

JM:"Please wait for me..." I shout as the elevator door paused. I think that person hear me. I go close to the elevator...I was shock cause there my one and only crush, my love Yoongi stand in front of me. I don't know what to do...I just stared at him. I can feel my cheeks heat up.

YG:"I know I'm handsome. Come inside." I mentally cruse myself for stare him long time so I nod my head and go inside and He ask me.

YG:"Which floor?"

JM:"5...57th floor." I said almost whispers. But he chuckled...wait is there anything is fun? I thought and we stand in silence but it's break when he spoke make me flinch.

YG:"What is your name?"

JM:"I'm Park Jimin..." He hummed in response. As again silence fill. Only 7 floor to reach my office but he suddenly grabbed my both hands and said. That make me blush.

YG:"Chim...I still don't know what I'm doing. I don't know it's right or wrong. This is our first meet but...*chuckled* you can say I'm so fast but I'm for real you are the most beautiful boy I have ever seen... I like you so much....if you have any idea about what I said now...just come to my cabin and said. Take a good decision..." He said wink at me. Before the elevator door open he quickly peak my lips. I was froze in my place. When the door open he push me out of the elevator I look at him as he smirk at me. A blush creeping up on my face. I look down shyly while touch my lips. I groan when the annoying sound come. I turn to look at the person as it is non other than my best annoying friend Kim Taehyung coo at me.

Tae:"Is my Jimin have any good news about his crush for me." He wiggle his eyebrows. I just dead glared at him.

JM:"Why you always annoy me, Tae? And yes I have a good news but it's not for you it's for me." He pout at me. I really like him, he is just like my lil brother.

Tae:"Yah~ tell me...please." He said with a pout as I sigh and said shyly.

JM:"That is...he said that...Omg....he said he like me-" He cut me off. I look around cause everyone in the floor look at us weirdly cause this boy scream like a monkey A/N: sorry for this)

Tae:Aaaahhhhhh.....yes than what?"

JM:"Yah, don't scream....and he said me to make a good decision.... And....and He peak my lips..." I said and close my face inbetween my palm. And Tae on the other hand lowly scream place his hand on his chest and said dramaticly.

Tae:"My Yoomin is real." (A/N:I don't like it 😒)


Yoongi pov:

Today office time was about to over. I pack my stuff and wait for Jimin to come over. Time flies so fast as its now 4:35. Our office end 3:30 or 4 but he still didn't come so he just reject me. I sigh sadly as I got up from my set. I thought to don't go for the date which was arranged by my mom if he accept me. But he don't even came so I sadly walk out of my office to the mall where that said me to come.


Jimin pov:

After finish my work schedule which was given by Ms. Lee my manager. She don't even like me because I'm gay. So she gave me her work and my coworkers work too.

I check the time as its 5. I suddenly remembered what Yoongi said. I pack my stuff and ran to his office. I was about to open his cabin door but stopped when I saw his PA, Mrs. Janet. I go to her and ask.

JM:"Umm..Janet is Yoo- hamm..our boss is here." I ask nervously but her sweet smile makes me feel calm.

Janet:"He already left." My eyes slightly wide but I manage and again ask.

JM:"Did you know where he goes?"

Janet:"He go to Seoul center shopping mall."

JM:"Why he go there?"

Janet:"I don't know about that... But I can say that he waited for someone. But when that person come he seem sad. I go out like a lost kitten." She said make me feel sad but my poor Yoon baby kitten felt sad cause of me. So ok I go to the mall and tell my answer.

\( ̄▽ ̄;)/\( ̄▽ ̄;)/\( ̄▽ ̄;)/

Yoongi pov:

Here I'm sitting in one of the best cafe shop in this mall with a most annoying girl infront of me. I thought Hoseok is annoying person in the world but he is far better than her. Her face and her dad jokes make me want to throw up but I manage to sit and listen to her. When coffee and cookies arrived she take the cookie place infront of my mouth and said.

Holly:"Oppa open your mouth." Her voice is so annoying I hate the fate that I'm sitting here. I was about to open my mouth but I froze because...


Jimin pov:

I park my car and rush into the mall to find my Yoon. I go each and every shop to find and finally I see him in a cafe I smile brightly as I open the door but I was froze because he came here with a girl...for what? A date. He also look at me with a shock but he eat a cookie calmly which was held by the girl. I don't feel sad but angry and jealous. If I was pure bottom I would cry like a baby but no I'm not bottom. Yes I'm top but I only change my mind at the moment when I saw Yoongi. I came to know he is top. I'm not bottom for anyone but only for Yoongi. But here he cheat on me. I slowly got out that cafe. I head to the main entrance to got out of the mall.

I was in my deep thought until I bumped into someone. That small figure was about to fall but I catch him when I look at the person face I was shocked because there is...



A /N: Hi cupcakes... Long time no see so sorry for that and my exam is over and I got 95.8 % a I'm collage second topper and my girlfriend is first 97.3%.

So some days I'm free and I thought to write "War Of Time" it's only 3 or 4 parts balance so yeah... Bye babies

Love you all....

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