💔Chapter 8💔

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3 years later: (No one pov)

YG:"Hmm..ahhh uhh ugh!! Baby just like the..hmm I love you..HOBI." With a loud moan Yoongi cum into other's mouth and passed out. On other hand Jimin look at him while wipe his mouth and pick Yoongi from couch went to their sharing room.

In this three years of their love life they had fun in first year but days passed Yoongi start to think about Hobi. Sometimes this thing affect their relationship because he always think about him and don't came or talk to Jimin this make Jimin more sad. Yoongi always drunk and misbehave with him but he don't complaint it because he love him and in morning Yoongi don't even know what he did but cry and this make the other heart broken.

After remove Yoongi's dress Jimin laid down on bed and make Yoongi head rest on his chest and kiss his head with so much of love. Sometimes Jimin thought that because of a top he can't give enough pleasure to the other so he tried his best to pleasure him.

YG:"Hobi baby..I love y..ou s..o much." He said as tears start to flow from his eyes but don't open it. Jimin look at him with sad look and rub his back to calm him down.

JM:"Yoongi..I will definitely find your Hobi.." He promise to himself and sleep.

Next day morning, Yoongi open his eyes with a heavy heart because another day without his sunshine. He slowly went to bathroom and did his morning routine and went to kitchen and saw Jimin cook for him. He slowly went behind him and hug him which make Jimin jump on his spot. Yoongi place his chin on Jimin's shoulder as Jimin smile because it been so so long since it's happen.

JM:"Someone seem like in good mood." He ask as Yoongi chuckle sadly and said.

YG:"I want to change Jimin.. for you because you are a happy kid but now suffered by me.. he leave my life because of me I make everyone life unhappy.." He said while tears in his eyes which is ready to flow free. Jimin turn to him and cupped his cheeks.

JM:"Yoongi..I will find him for you but now you want to be health so cry but hereafter you want to be strong.." He said and hug him as Yoongi cry his heart out. After an hour or two he stopped and eat his food in out of blue he said.

YG:"Jiminie..let's go for a vocation... what about Jeju it nice right?" Jimin chuckle with a frown and shake his head.

JM;"What happen Yoongi.. you really want to change..?" He ask as Yoongi nod.

On other side, a person stand in front of a bathroom mirror with a blade in his hand.

???:"One, two, three, four ahhh fuck it's went deeper.." He start to wash his arms and that balde. He went to his room and start to clean and put petroleum jelly on that cuts with cotton and bandaid his arms. He wear a handbands and went to work.

Two days later: (No one pov)

Yoongi and Jimin board the flight and land in Jeju island. The sunny weather and cold breeze hit different types of emotions in their heart. They took cab and went to hotel as they already book villa for themselves with swimming pool. They enjoy the car ride and went to their villa.

JM:"Ahh..I'm tired as hell.." He said and jump on bed as Yoongi smile and went to take shower. After they took shower and cuddle on bed.

YG:"Minnie..today evening can we go to club.." He ask as Jimin nod with a smile and sleep.

In evening, both Yoonmin went to club. When they open the door strong smell of alcohol and sweat hit their nose. All males and females dance and make out in the corner. They walk passed them and went to VIP bar and close the door. The area look pleasent no loud music and dance as all rich ass men drink and mind their own business. They went to bar counter and ask for drink and enjoy the vibe. Suddenly a boy come to stage with a smile and speak in microphone.

Boy:"Good evening everyone..today is special day..our restaurant and bar owner's birthday so he throw a free pole dance for VIP's so hope you guys are going to enjoy it..so let's welcome our pole dancer Jay.." He said and leave as Yoonmin look at each others and turn to face the bar because they're not interested in this kinda things.

The music started as a boy come to the stage wearing a crop tops and short skirt which explore his ass as with a smile he start to dance. All oldies start to worship and talk dirty about the dancer who just focus on dancing. His curvies and pole dance make everyone crazy as fuck. Everyone in the VIP room cheers Jay expect Yoonmin who busy talking to each other. After the dance the boy bow to all was about to leave until someone speak.

Man:"Woow to be honest you are so fuckable.. can I have you tonight.." He said and throw money on Jay's face as he don't speak a word and shook his head as no and again about to go but that man grab his hand roundly which make him yell in pain and cried as blood flow from his arms which was unnoticed by everyone and others in the room start to laugh.

Bartender:"Poor boy always going throw this..tch." He said as Yoonmin look at him and turn to look at the boy but froze when they remember him.

YG and JM:"Hoseok.."


A/N: Hope you all like it... Only two characters too go and after that it will complete..

Love you all....

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