💔Chapter 6💔

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Jungkook pov: (2days later)

After drop Hobi I went to my mansion as when I open the door I got attack by a hug. I laugh when my boyfriend Taehyung kiss my neck and cheeks as I picked him and place him on nearly table.

JK:"Is my winter bear miss me~" I coo when he nodded with a pout. I kiss his pout as he said.

Tae:"I really missed you.."

JK:"Really babe..it just been two days.." I said and carry him to couch and sat while he was in my lap. We kiss like there is no tomorrow as he moan when I squeezed his ass. Our hot makeout session stopped when he hit my chest for breath. After calm down we cuddle when he speak out of blue.

Tae:"Kookie I want to show you something about Jimin.." I blink a bit when he said a name but soon I realise that boy. Tae took his phone and search something and show me a pic which made my eyes wide in shock because it's a pic of Jimin and...

Hoseok pov:

After win the competition I came to mansion with Jungkook. After drop me he went to his home said to me that he miss his boyfriend Taehyung. Yes after that day they start to date and now they are the happy couple.

I got into the mansion but don't saw my hyung. I want to our room and took shower and went to closet to change but frown when I notice half of my hyung clothes are missing.

Hobi:"I thought you are went to work but.." I was cutted but a phone call as when I saw it is Jungkook I smile and answer the phone.



Hobi:"Hel.." Kookie cut me and ask which made me frown.

Kookie:"Hello.. Hobi is Yoongi post any pic in insta.. please check it." I confused and check but found none.

Hobi:"No Kookie..there is none if he post anything the notification popes right?"

Kookie:"Hobi..don't beark down okay.. Yoongi post a pic but you don't get a notification because may be he hide you.." Now I'm confused as hell..what the fuck he is saying..why I want to break down and why the heck my hyung will hide me.

Hobi:"Kookie why hyung want.." He again cut me off and said.

Kookie:"Hoseok wait I will send you that pic.."

He said and cut the call. I put my phone on bed and start to dress up. And went I was done I took my phone and saw notification from Jungkook from what's app. I open it and wait for it to download as when it's fully loaded I pick my phone and what I saw made me tears up..

 I open it and wait for it to download as when it's fully loaded I pick my phone and what I saw made me tears up

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I cried more when I saw what Yoongi hyung put as a hashtag #love of my life.

I let my tears flow freely as Jungkook call me again and again but I don't pick it up because now I want time to think or process this information. My mind now filled with questions which I want to ask to Yoongi so I call him but first few times he ignore or cut the call but he pick it up in 11th call.


Daddy Yoon😑

Hobi:"Hyung..." I said in a tired voice because of crying as on other side Yoongi hyung don't even answer which made me sadly chuckle.

Hobi:"Did you cheating on me hyung..but why what I did..is this is a punishment for me for fell for you so deeply..but why hyung just why..?*siff* did I do something wrong..if yes tell me hyung.. I will change myself for you." My voice crack while speaking but what I receive is just a dark chuckle.

YG:"Hoseok you did nothing but you just being Toxic.."

Hobi:"Toxic..??" I said in disbelief.. when did I been toxic..

Hobi:"Hyung..hyung if it is what's your problem I will change it..I will do anything for you..I love you hyung." I said as he laugh and ask.

YG:"So you can do anything for me..?" I nodded my head while wipe my tears as a small smile came to my face but soon it's faded when he said that which made me totally broke down.

YG:"If you love me truly..leave me..leave my life forever and never came back and don't show you face to me..let me live in peace..you love me right? So you want me to be happy but I'm not happy with you..I'm happy with Jimin..I fell out of love Hoseok.. Before I come to home leave that place Hoseok..I'm requesting you.. So hope you will understand..good bye.." And without a word he cutted the call. I taken a back as my back hit the wall as I slid down and start to hit my head hard on the wall while crying.

Hobi:"Why I'm..I'm being s..o dumb..I really love you but..all I got is hate.. and hu..rt I'm I th..at unlucky and us..less person.. first my parents and you le..ave me but why..JUST WHY..!!" I shout in pain. After for an hour or two I slowly got up as a sudden pain wave on my head so I grab and pull my hair and let out a shakey breath. I fall on bed and cruel up as a circle. I close my eyes to sleep and then I can wake up from this nightmare.'It's all dream when I awake I will be in my Yoongi hyung arms but this is never gonna be happen..' This thoughts made me again tears up. I cried and cried with my closed eyes and fall asleep.

I was in deep sleep until I felt a tap on my shoulder but I don't..no I can't open my eyes because I'm really tired to even open it but suddenly someone hug me. That hug is so warm and lovely so I tried to open my eyes which I succeed but my eyes wide and tears flow from my eyes when I saw that person.

Hobi:"Yoongi hyung..."


A/N: Hi bubbles! So hope you all like it. This book is going to end in 3 or 4 parts including 'special part'.

And one more good news that is I grow up a little now I'm 152 and I reduce my weight it's 41 now I'm happy now.

Bye my lovely dovely readers....

Toxic?? 〣Yoonseokmin〣{Completed}Where stories live. Discover now