💔Chapter 7💔

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Jungkook pov:

I again and again call Hobi but he don't pick up the call so I hurriedly take my keys was about to go but my Tae stopped me and ask.

Tae:"Kookie where are you going..?" He ask with a confusion pout as I left a shakey breath and said.

JK:"Baby..do your friend know..that Yoongi have a..boyfriend..?" I ask as he look at me for a sec before nodded as yes.

Tae:"Yes..Jimim said that Yoongi had a toxic boyfriend and broke up with him." I chuckled sadly and ask.

JK:"Who told that to Jimin.."

Tae:"Yoongi hyung told that to him.." I laugh in disbelief because who can he say such a sinful thing about him.

JK:"Baby you know what Hoseok aka Jhope is his boyfriend and he doesn't break up with him yet.." I saw Tae is shock but now I don't have time to this and went to Hobi's mansion.

I unlock the door and went inside as I here small whispers from upstairs because the whole mansion is dark and silent. When I unlock the bedroom it's all mess as I look at the bed there is a sunshine boy now all broke down in darkness. I slowly went to him and tap his shoulder but he can't open his eyes I saw dry tears on his cheeks which made me feel bad for him so I hug him as he start to squeeze and slowly open his eyes. But when he saw me he hug me like his life depends on it while mummers Yoongi's name and pull me closer and closer.

Hobi:"Yo..ongi h..uyng *hiccup* do..n't le..ave m..e.." he breathed and hiccup inbetween saying it. Poor boy he is deeply in love but that fucker is too blind to saw that..

JK:"Hobi hyung..I'm not Yoongi I'm Kookie..come on please open your eyes." I tried to wake him up but he shook his head and pull my face close to him and Kiss me. I frozen and don't kiss back or move him away because I tried to comfort him and I know I cheating on Tae but I can't loose my childhood friend too. After kiss for a minute he broke it and look at me and got shock. He back away from me and start to tears up.

Hobi:"I'm..I'm sorry Ko..okie it's my.." I cutted him with my hug as he again broke down and cried his heart out. I tried to calm him down with my sweet talk but failed. After an hour ago he calm but still tears form their way from his eyes.

JK:"Hobi..you deserve better..so don't cry..he is not worth for your tears." He nodded his head and got out of the bed was about to slip but I catch him as he slowly went to closet and start to pack his stuff.

Hobi:"Kookie can you leave me at airport.." He ask softly his sweet voice become rough because of crying.

JK:"No Hobi... come stay in my mansion." I tried to grab his suitcase but he back away and shake his head as no.

Hobi:"Kookie guilty already eating me for kiss you.. if I saw Tae like this I will definitely broke down please.. I don't want to ruin your beautiful life.. please if you want help me then leave me in airport.." I can't say anything as I nodded and went to my car while Hobi went to take quick shower and came over to my car. And we went to airport in silence.

Yoongi pov:

Me and Jimin are cuddle with each other but suddenly I got a call as I look at the id it's Hoseok so I put my phone on silence but it continuly vibrated so I excused myself for Jimin.

I pick the phone and stay silently as Hobi speak his voice show how much he is in pain but I can't go back to him because I fell out of love right? After talk to him I cut the call and block his number and went to my room to face shock Jimin as he began to speak.

JM:"Yoongi..is Hoseok is your ex boyfriend.." I look at him in shock and ask.

YG:" Who told you that??" I ask as tears start to flow from Jimin eyes. He slowly got up and slap my cheek.

JM:"How can you say this kinda things like this about him. He is pure soul and an angel in human form..I know about him.." He said and was about to leave but I grab his hand and pin him in nearly wall but to my surprise he push me on bed and pin me down him.

YG:"Jiminie.. please listen to me.. he is not like an innocent person like on screen televisions in off screen he is a psycho and always force me to have sex with him.. to be honest he just obsessive with my money.." I said as Jimin think for awhile and let go of me.

JM:" If you say so.. but if I find the truth I will don't hesitate to kill you.." He said as I gulp and nod. We sit in silence until he break it.

JM:" Yoongi I really want to tell you that I'm Top too.." My eyes wide open in shock and taken aback so that's why he is strong like me but now HOW THE HELL IS GOING TO BE A BOTTOM??

JM:"Yoongi no worries.. I will be bottom for you.." He said with a smile as I smile back.

Hoseok pov:

We reached the airport as Jungkook hug me like there is no tomorrow because we never separate from each other. He cried like a baby as I pat his back to calm him down.

JK:"Please Hobi tell me where are you going..?" He said while sniffing as I shake my head.

Hobi:"Kookie I also don't know where I'm going.." I said and kiss his cheeks and turn to leave and walk into the airport as he shout my name and said.

JK:"HOBI CALL ME WHEN YOU REACH..." He said as I gave a small smile with thumbs up and walk to the ticket counter. 'Sorry Kookie I'm going to cut off all the connection between me and this place.' I thought and put my airpots on.

Only love can hurt and hate like this...


A/N: So hope you all like it..I update very soon for my dear readers.

Love you all ❤️😘😘❤️

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