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🔞Smut warning 🔞

No one pov:

Hoseok become well soon and leave the hospital. They took a cab and went to the villa. Jimin open the door as Hobi and Yoongi go inside but Jimin grab Hobi waist and pin him near the wall and start to suck his neck.

Hobi:"Hmm..Jimin..ie ahh..slowly." Jimin don't listen to him and do his art in Hobi's honey like skin. On other hand Yoongi look at Hobi with a smirk because it been so long since he saw him like this. Sweat cover his boy and mouth wide open for air while eyes roll back of his head it is the 8th wonder of the world.

JM:"Hyung..hmm..come." He called Yoongi but Yoongi shake his head and sat on couch.

YG:"I don't want to do anything. I want a live porn show.." He said with a smirk as Jimin smirk and push Hobi to living room and push him to the ground. With that Jimin undo his pant as Hobi eyes twinkle in excitement. When Jimin free his monster Hoseok eyes wide in shock because 11 inches and 5.5cm thick is not a jock right? And it between 3years for him to get fucked by someone as same goes to Jimin he also don't fucked someone.

Hobi:"Minnie..yo..ur so bi..g" He stunned while said and slightly sit on his spot. Jimin pump himself few times and push his monster into Hobi's mouth.

JM:"Suck like a good babyboy for oppa." Hoseok nodded for his order and suck the tip of the like his life depends on it. He roll his tongue over and over the other dick while moan. On other hand Yoongi just enjoying the show that happens infront of him. Hobi moans are music to their ears. Jimin tilt his head backwards with moans and groans. He close his eyes and feel real heaven and without any warn he cum harder.

YG:"Don't swallow it..show me that.." Hobi blush and slowly crawl to Yoongi and show his tongue which is covered with white sperm. Yoongi chuckled and nod his head said Hobi to swallow it all.

JM:"Babe another round.." Hobi blush and nodded his head with a shy smile as Jimin again push his dick into his mouth and start to thrust him in a high pace.

Hobi:"Nhg..hmmm..umm..uhh..ugh.." He moan and choke sometimes but Jimin don't give a shit to that do his work. Within minutes he pulled his dick and cum on Hobi face. Hobi choke and look at Jimin with teary eyes as Jimin softly wipe his lips and kiss him while without Hobi's knowledge he removed his shirt. Hobi hiss when the cold air his his bare chest. Jimin slowly went to jawline kiss and suck him while Hoseok curls his toes and press the other face close to his.

YG:"Ahhh..the best thing I'm seeing you again like this Hoseok.." He said while remove his shirt because of hotness which now filled the room. Jimin slowly went to Hobi's neck and softly bit and suck his larynx which give more pleasure to him. With that Jimin undo Hobi's pant with boxer and without any warn he push himself to other.

Hobi;"AHHHH..PARK FUCKIN JIMIN." He scream because it been so long for him so his inner muscles and walls are not ready for this yet.

JM:"Fuck..babe yo..ur so tight and dr..y." It become very difficult for him to thrust into Hobi's dry hole. So he pulled out himself and went to their bedroom to take lube and came back and apply some good amount of his dick. Again he push his dick and start to thrust in slow pace while giving hickey on his chest and bite and pull his nipples by his teeth.

Hobi:"Ahh..ugh Minnie.." He moan loudly while call out the other but Jimin fast his pace.

JM:"W..hat I'm to you now babe..?" He thrust over and over on same spot when he finds a sweet spot of Hobi.

Hobi:"Oppa..oppa..umm ahh ju..st like that..hmm." He moan while call him. His eyes roll back and look at Yoongi side who now pumping his monster with a lustfully eyeing Hoseok.

JM:"Ahhhhhhh.." With a loud moan he cum inside him and pulled out while pant heavily. He turn Hobi made him lay on his stomach and wide his legs. He smack his asscheeks few times and put his fingers into Hoseok mouth indicate him to suck his fingers which Hoseok do. After cover his finger in saliva he push his finger into Hoseok butt hole and thrust in and out as Hoseok cry while close his mouth and look at Yoongi who smirk at him and take some tissue papers to clean the mess with he did on his own pant.

Hobi:"Opp..a please sl..ow down." And with a loud moan he cam harder on floor and passed out. Jimin look at him and chuckled softly and look at Yoongi who put his pant on and pick Hobi from the floor.

YG:"I give him a bath.." He said kiss the Jimin and take Hobi to bathroom. Jimin put his pant on and start to clean the sinful mess they all made now.
Yoongi place Hobi on bathtub and shower him up. After shower he dry him and put some comfort clothes a oversized t-shirt and nothing on bottom because he knew that Hobi don't feel comfortable with pants or shorts and put him on bed and lay beside him.

After fresh up Jimin come to the room and chuckled when he saw his two lovers sleeping soundly while cuddle. He smiled and laid down beside them. Hobi in center and Yoongi on left and he in right side.

JM:"I love you both.." He said to his sleeping men as they both reply in sleep which make him chuckled.

Hobi and YG:"We too..."


A/N:Hope you all like it..I try to do smut only in this and I know it is so cringe but I try my best and other two bonus chapters also like this and ofcourse men pregnant.

Ok bye I love you...

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