💔Chapter 4💔

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!smut warning!

Hobi pov:

When I get back home it is filled with darkness 'May be Yoongi hyung was asleep' I thought and open the main door when I turn on the light Yoongi hyung is sitting on the couch I flinched.

Hobi:"Yoongii~ you scared me.." I whing but hyung look at me with anger eyes he walk towards me as I taken aback as my back hit the door he just smirk at me and said.

YG:"Where the fuck you go?" He ask me angrily I look at him nervously and said.

Hobi:"...hyung to..today me and kook go..to mall...and I met one of my fan so we..just spend sometime together....
and-" I was cutted by hyung.

YG:"And he fucked your shitty lil hole.. did you enjoy his dick?.." Before I could speak he throw me over his shoulder and go to upstairs I don't struggled because if I did that he will be more mad.

He kick open the door and throw me on the soft bed I look him as he smirk and lock the door he remove his night dress pant with boxer free his monster out. I glup harder because it's all vein and big. I back away from him but he pull my leg and force his dick into my mouth.

YG:"That guy dick is bigger than mine? That's why you like it but I will make you forget about him...your own name..." He said thrust faster in my mouth.

Hobi:"Hmmm...umm~ah..ugh-" He cum deep inside my mouth as I swallow it without waste any drop.

YG:"Good boy...now take daddy cock without any struggle..." He said and an blink of eye he tore my shirt and pant and inset his dick without any warning and thrust me in animal pace.

Hobi:"AHHHH..hyu..daddy..slow." But he don't heard me and continue his sinful work.

YG:"Moan..moan my name baby boy." He slightly chock my neck and thrust me as I grip his hand I roll my eyes back of my head and start to see the stars but gasps when he lick my nipple while play with other as I moan loudly.

Hobi:"Ahh~daddy no..not there.." He coo at me and said.

YG:"So the baby boy is sensitive there." And again he tease me like this as I grip his hair and pull his close to mine and kiss him like there is no tomorrow.

Hobi:"I'm cum..cumming.." I look at for permetation but he smirk at me and put his fingertip in my cock not let me cum.

YG:"This is your punishment...so you are not allow to cum..." He said and like that the whole night we make out and he let me cum in our last round.

Morning 4:13, I cuddle with him. He cleaned me up and dressed me with comfy clothes. I put my head on his chest as he rub my back and thought about something I look at him and ask.

Hobi:"Hyung...what are you thinking about?" He shook his head as no.

Hobi:"Hyung..if you think about last night..that guy is just my fan..He said that he love me...so that's why I went shopping with him nothing else..." I said as he hummed and close his eyes I smile and kiss his nose and we both went to our dreamland.

Yoongi pov:

First I thought to break up with him but when I saw him my thoughts break and lust took over my mind so we make out and go to sleep.

Next day morning, I wake up earlier and look my side found Hoseok is sleeping I sigh and did my morning routine and leave to office don't eat anything becaus now my mind is filled with Jimin. I want to clear him about yesterday.

Time skip, when I reach the office I parked my car and went to elevator hope Jimin also come but no I wait there for few minutes and leave to my office.

I'm try to do my work but can't my mind only thought about Jimin, Jimin and only JIMIN.

???:"Excuse me sir, can i have a moment with you..." I look up at the sudden sweet voice and it is none other than my Jimin. I moted him to come as came with file and annoying face I know why because of yesterday.

JM:"Sir.. I finish this file... please check." He give me the file but i pull him make him sit on my lap. He struggl sometime but calm down and look at me with anger eyes. My office window is made of one side mirror so no one can see us.

YG:"Baby..sorry about yesterday..you are misunderstood me..I can explai-" I was cutted by him when he stand and yell at me.

JM:"WHAT MISUNDERSTOOD? I SAW YOU DATEING WITH A GIRL THEN WHAT?" He shout and leave from there make my heart broken. Suddenly my phone vibrates so I look at it but it's just a offer notification I ignored it but my phone wallpaper catch my eyes because it's Hobi and mine our first dateing pic. Now I fell bad for Hobi because he know that I date many girls in this three years but he don't yell at me. I slightly smile and remembered what happened in our first date. He wore a jeans pant and a babyblue hoodie that look cute on him we spend a lot of time that day. I sigh and start to work 'Wait Hobi I will surprise you.'

Jimin pov:

Why it hurt a lot? I lock the washroom door and start to cry. Yesterday I spend my time with Jhope and it is so funny but when I go back to my lonely apartment I break down but I have to control myself because it's one side love.

Few minutes of crying I wash my face and want back to my work. Tea ask me where did i go and why my eyes are red. I tell him it's nothing and continue my work.

Hope I will move on soon...


A/N: Hi cupcakes! Hope you all enjoy it.

Love you lot and bye..

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