💔Chapter 9💔

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Hoseok pov:

As always I did my dance performance and was about to go but a man ask for one night stand which I don't want so I said no but he roundly grab my arm which make my cuts go worst and blood start to flow. I cried and beg for him to stop but he and his friends only laugh at me as suddenly I heard a two voice. I turn to that side and saw Yoongi and Jimin... Before black out..

I slowly open my eyes as I face a white surface. I blink few times and realised that I'm in hospital. The smell of medicine and blood make me want to thrown up. I tried to sit up as suddenly I felt a soft grip on my arm as I look at my side to find Yoongi...

YG:"Wait..I will help you.." I really want to push him and run out of the room but my whole body is ached. I look at the corner and Jimin smile at me.

JM:"You both talk..I will go to doc and come with him." He said and leave the room. Silence...no one say a word. We both sat in comfortable silence until he speak.

YG:"Hobi why you harm yourself? and why the fuck you work there?" I don't say a word and look out of the hospital window as suddenly I feel someone hand on mine but I don't look at him.

YG:"I'm so so..sorry Hobi.. please tell me why you harm yourself..?" My eyes start to get tears as I said.

Hobi:"That is none of you business.." I said but suddenly I felt a tight grip on my chin as I look up to see Yoongi who roundly grab my chin. His angry eyes make me cry more.

YG:"WHICH IS NOT MY BUSINESS HOSEOK..ITS MY BUSINESS.." He yell as I also can't control my anger and shout.

Hobi:"WHO YOU TO ME HUH? TO CARE TO LOVE WHO YOU TO ME?" Tears start to flow from my eyes as Yoongi taken aback and said.

YG:"I'm..your boyfriend..to care to love..IM YOUR FUCKIN BOYFRIEND.." I chuckle sadly and said.

Hobi:" Ex boyfriend..." With that I turn to face the wall. On that time Jimin came and said Yoongi to go out and sit on the chair. Soon doc came and check me.

JM:"How are you Hobi..?" He ask with a smile as I look at him for awhile and smile.

Hobi:"Yes..Jimin..so how is your life?" I start the conversation as he said.

JM:" Hmm..pretty good." He said as I nodded.

JM:"Hoseok I know you since childhood..when I was 14 you came on news channel..That said that you won the match in Gwangju and that time I was attracted by your smile and still I do.." He said as I smile a bit as again he continue.

JM:"When you came to Busan for compaction I also came there to cheer you up.. when I saw you in real that time I fell for you and still I falling for you more and more..I really love you Hobi and Yoongi too but he can't accept the he love two people in one but I accept it...please Hobi he always think about you and only you please.." I look at him with wide eyes because he just confessed to me. And without any word he leaves me all along in the room.

No one pov:

Jimin leave the room and went to Yoongi who was wait in waiting room. Jimin said what happened with Hobi as Yoongi is shock because Jimin also love Hobi. They both wait for Hobi to think and Yoongi thought to apologise to Hoseok.

JM:"Yoongi come..let's go to his ward." He grab Yoongi hand and walk to Hobi's ward and close the door as Yoongi went to Hobi and start to speak.

YG:"I'm sor...*Slap*.." He received a slap from Hobi. He again try to say something but.


Again Hobi rise his hand to slap the other but Yoongi grab it softly and said.

YG:"Already my cheek became apple because of your slaps..if you slap one's more it will become like a melon.."He said make Jimin laugh as Hobi look at him with teary eyes and hug him.

Hobi:"Don't dare to leave me..if you leave me once again..I don't hesitate to kill you.." He said with a pout as Yoongi laugh and kiss that cute little pout. On other hand Jimin look at them with a heart eyes and was about to go to give the couple some alone time but stopped by Hobi.

Hobi:"Minnie..don't you want to hug your boyfriends.." Jimin eyes twinkle and jump on bed and hug the two like their life depends on it. That hug express all the love and affection that they have for one anothers. A simple misunderstanding led things like this. Yoongi misunderstanding his feelings but now he changed because of Jimin.

YG and JM:"We love you sunshine.."

Hobi:"I love you too.."     



A/N: So hope you all like it... If you want Special chapter please comment..

Bye love you all..

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