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Hoseok pov:

I'm nervous as fuck when Yoongi said he want to intor me to his mom as a boyfriend and now we are in front his mom's house. Yoongi side hug me and talk sweet but nothing into my ears to calm me down.

YG:"Don't worry babe..she definitely love you.. You know what when Jimin and I came here to intro him as my boyfriend he also nervous like you." I look at Yoongi in disbelief.

Hobi:"Yoongi..you said your mom is homo so that's why we keep our relationship between us..but after break up you show Jimin as your boyfriend to your mom.." I said and back away from him but a soft grip warped around my waist as I look back to Jimin who kiss my neck and said.

JM:"Hobi baby..you know that time your Yoon daddy is confused about his feelings so..don't anger at him. Come on smile.." He said and kiss my neck again and again make me laugh.

Hobi:"Ok..hahaha op..oppa and Yoongi you definitely have a punishment." I said as he gulp and nod. Yoongi knock the door and wait soon a old age women open the door. She smiled at Jimin and Yoongi but when seh saw me her smile faded.

Mrs.Min:"Who is he..?" She ask in a rough tone as I bow at her.

YG:"Eomma..he is part us.."

Mrs.Min:"Us..?" She question while rise a eyebrow.

JM:"Mom..yes he is our..boyfriend." She look at me from head to toe and give a disgusting face.

Mrs.Min:"Yoongi and Jimin..I really love you both but I don't want this horse look boy as your partner. You both are enough.." Tears start to flow from my eyes as I look down to hide it. I was about to go to the car but Yoongi grab my hand and said which make me look at him.

YG:"Eomma we just came here to inform that he is our lover but.. look like you are not going to accept it..it's okay but we love him.." With that he grab my hand and we go to the car drive back to Seoul.

No one pov:

In the whole driving Hobi look out of the window think about what happened earlier. Jimin and Yoongi look at him time to time with a sad face.

Hobi:"Hyung..your eomma is right.." He spoke suddenly with a sad smile as Yoongi stop the car and both Jimin and Yoongi look at him.

JM:"Hobi Hyung don't thi.." Hobi cut off in the middle and said with a crack voice.

Hobi:"No..Jimin she is right..I'm ugly and fat..look like hor.." He was cutted by his sob as Yoongi cupped his cheeks and wipe the tears.

YG:"Hobi..don't think like it..you are beautiful and angle in human form."

JM:"Hobi..do you know why your fans call you Jhope because you are world's hope..because of your smile that help us to keep our smile." He said and kiss the top of Hobi's head. Three of them smile at each other as Yoongi smile think how lucky he is and drive back to Seoul with a love talks, kisses, hugs and sweet nap.

Few months later(No one pov):

JK:"Hobi..how the fuck you accept them..Yoongi how you accept him?" Hobi chuckle at Jungkook question and said.

Hobi:"How many times kook..you ask me this..?" He ask as Jungkook pout and said.

JK:"Then tell me..I'm asking you but you don't tell me.." He said while crossing his arms as Hobi chuckle and said.

Hobi:"Kookie..do you know magic words?..love also one of in that which is untolden to the world. Love it is beautiful yet painful one which you can't reject or run away from that feelings. If you love someone sometimes it give us a butterfly in our heart but everytime broke our heart..if that person can't return the feelings.I really don't want to join them but this magic trap is made me again fell for Yoongi..fell for them." He said with a faint smile as the other too smile and nod.

Hobi again was about to go back to his swimming practice but in the middle way he feel dizzy and everything went black.

Time skip (Hobi pov):

In evening I happily come to our mansion and start to prepare dinner. After finish that I call Jungkook to join us with Taehyung. I went to our room and shower and get ready as I heard a bell rang sound. I open the door and attached by a lovely hugs and kisses as I push them to the room said them to get ready too. I checked my decoration as again the door bell rang and now Jungkook and Taehyung came. We talk for a bit and in that same time Yoongi and Jimin also come so I take them to backyard where I prepared dinner for them. I want the the atmosphere so romantic. We all start to eat as suddenly Jungkook speak.

JK:"Baby..I want to ask you something?" Tae nod while stuffed his mouth with food as Jungkook chuckled at his cuteness and get on his one knee and take a little box and said.

JK:"You become my boxing partner. You become my gym partner. You become my gaming partner. You become my swimming partner..so will you be my life partner?" Tae eyes got teary in happiness and jump on Jungkook and kiss him with full of love.

Tae:"Yes!..I will be your life partner." We look at the couple with heart eyes as I snap out of that and take a box and give it to Yoongi and Jimin who look at me in confusion.

YG:"Baby what is this..?"

JM:"Honey..if it is a proposal ring then please don't do that because we are the one to do that.." He said as I hit his chest playful and said.

Hobi:"It's not what you think..just open it.." I said as they open it and got more confused.

YG:"Baby..keys for which room?" He ask as I don't say a word and took a blindfolds and tie their eyes and lead them to a locked room. When we reach there I untied their eyes and said.

Hobi:"Now open the door.." With that they open the door and got shock...

" With that they open the door and got shock

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Yoonmin pov:

We both look at each other and open the door. But the sight first made us confuse but soon reality hit us harder. We both look at each other with teary eyes and turn to Hobi who put pillow under his belly while caress it with a shy smile and faint blush. He slowly walk towards us and hid himself in our chest.

YG:"I..s it true..?" I chock but managed to ask as he shyly nod.

JM:"Is..I'm going to be a fa..ther." I can't believe that I'm going to be a father of two babies (a/n: One is Hobi and another is that baby in Hobi's belly).

YG:"Ba..by please tell me it's true?" I ask as he giggle and said.

Hobi:"It's true that I'm pregnant..it's true that you both are going to be a best father soon.."


A/N: Hi bubbles! Hope you all like it. After finish this book let's start the "Mafia Princess??" Story again.

And one more thing that I put many books in draft so I'm just tell the ships okay. But after finish our on going book I will upload that books one by one.

❣ Jihope
❣Hobi X Ot6
❣Hobi X Maknae line
❣Liseok and Hopekook

You can select one but not now I will conduct a pole for that after finish my book.

Bye love you all....

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